It’s All About…Arnie!

Looking back, I remember Greta expecting her first litter of puppies, and how she would lie next to me in my chair and I would feel one pup kicking the daylights out of her. This feisty pup intrigued me and I told Jack that if there was at least one boy, we would name him Arnold, after Arnold Schwarzenegger,  the Terminator!

And there was just one male pup in that litter. Arnie was the only boy with 4 sisters! Thus Dackel Princess’s Arnold was born.

Arnie kissing me. Janet's pictures

Arnie and me shortly after he arrived. He was such a big, lovey, puppy. I had not wanted to keep a male back then. I wanted one of Greta’s daughters to carry on with breeding, once Greta was done. So I was not allowing myself to get too close to Arnie, knowing that eventually, he would be leaving us. I sold him to a college professor. In fact, he was all set to go, but she changed her mind at the last minute and so we kept him. It was the best decision that we ever made. Arnie has filled our world with so much love and happiness and laughter!

Jan. 29 Anneliese and Arnie 001

Anneliese and Arnie at 10 weeks old.

Watching Arnie and his littermate sister, Anneliese grow, from the moment they were born has been an experience. These two are devoted to each other and even now, at the old age of eleven, they are still enjoying each others company! When Anneliese gave birth, Arnie was there. And when Anneliese was ill or had surgery, Arnie was there to protect her while she recovered.


Anneliese in the front and her snuggling brother Arnie, with his head on her back. They are so close and so tender with each other in a way that is very different from how they relate to their mother, Greta, and Lili.

Arnie has a fan club in our town. There are places we go where they know Arnie. The bank, McDonald’s drive-through, and The State of New Hampshire Liquor Store. At the Liquor Store, they asked for his picture as he is now their Mascot!


The clerks there all look forward to Arnie’s visits and he looks forward to going in because it means cookies and a lot of pats from everyone.

Imagine our surprise yesterday when we were going in and a woman was exiting the building looked over and said, “Hi Arnie” as we were walking in! We later found out that the Clerk had said, “Oh look! Arnie is here!” while she went to get his cookies!

Arnie is an amazing boy and I feel so fortunate to have kept him. He is one of those once in a lifetime animals. And we feel so very fortunate to have him in our lives. Destiny, fate, whatever it was that made the Professor change her mind and decide not to come and get Arnie that day, I am forever grateful!


My Little Guy, Arnie!

Arnie and I ran errands on Saturday. I needed to go to the grocery store, the Post Office, and the Liquor Store. Arnie loves to go for a ride, and at the Liquor Store he gets put on a leash and goes in.

A wonderful woman named Rebecca works there, and she adores Arnie and Arnie adores her! Today she was sitting on the floor and did not see us come in. The next thing Rebecca knew, Arnie ran up and danced around her. It was adorable!



Arnie is such good company when I go out. Sometimes I will go into a store, waving bye-bye to him, and then when I come out I see his sweet face peering out the window just waiting for me.

He sure is a special boy and I am so lucky to have him!

Happy 11th Birthday Arnie & Anneliese

Can you believe this? The two doggies that I still refer to as my puppies, are 11 years old today! I simply cannot believe it! I know, stop being repetitive, but really, I can’t believe it!

14 years ago I traveled to Germany with Jack and brought home baby Greta. In time we found Greta a handsome German husband, Bernie, and together they created five beautiful puppies, two of which ended up staying in our home.

arnie and anneliese

We’d actually decided to keep Anneliese, and Arnie had been sold. But on the day he was supposed to go, the prospective owner, changed her mind. The puppies were 12 weeks old then, and we were smitten. So, Arnie stayed.

It’s actually been a very special experience for us. When you have two sibling puppies from the moment they draw breath onward. You watch how they learn to play with each other, how they learn to share with each other, but over the years you watch their bond of love deepen. For Jack and I, we believe it’s been one of the greatest gifts we have ever had.

In due time, after being judged twice by German Judges, we decided to breed Anneliese. She had four beautiful puppies.

Feb 12 11 026


Jan 22 017


Although I wanted to breed Arnie, no one was interested in him. Apparently they thought he was just another pretty face.

They are both healthy and happy and going strong in life. They cuddle with me at night, or if I am sitting in my chair. We have been blessed.

So, let’s take a look back with this short montage of their lives. Anneliese was the green collar baby pup in the film and Arnie the blue collar pup. Enjoy!

Arnie and Anneliese Birthday from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

Happy 10th Birthday Arnie & Anneliese

Today my sweet ‘twin’ pups, Arnie & Anneliese, are having their 10th birthday! How did that happen? It seems just the other day that Greta gave birth to the first litter of Dackel Princess puppies! Now my little loves are ten whole years old! Anneliese is on the left and Arnie on the right.

Arnie & Anneliese (2)

I will try to find something wonderful for them as a treat today. After all, becoming ten years old, puts them in the senior doggy group!

Arnie and Anneliese Birthday from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

However, I feel so lucky to have had these two wonderful pups in my life! Both are truly loving and amazing dogs.

It’s A Doggone Day!

The week came to an end, so I took Hubby and headed to the store to stock up on dog chow and food, so while I am gone I don’t have to worry about Hubby feeding the beasts.

The two lady dackels are feeling so much better and have returned to their energetic selves. Both have another 5-6 days on the medication, and we have actually found a way to get these big capsules down their throats. Hot dogs. You cut about a 1/2 inch piece, then put an X in the top of the hot dog. Place the pill in the middle and have another small piece ready. Now give the dog the pill/hot dog and follow it up immediately with the other piece of hot dog. Trust me, there is no spitting out of the capsule.

Have I mentioned lately that Lili is becoming a real delight? Oh it was such a rough start with that girl! Now we have her on grain free food and she feels good, and we have worked with her. She will now go out in the yard, and run around in the field while Hubby is working on the fruit trees. But she is always keeping her eyes on him. When he comes into the house, she follows.


If we let her out to do her business, I will put on my jacket and hat, and I talk to her and when she is done, she follows me too. The biggest thing for me, is that I cannot have her pulling me on a leash. I’ve noticed that since we have started working with her off leash, when we do use one she behaves herself!

And at the bottom of our list is Mr. Arnie Man. There is nothing wrong with him, he is perfect, comes when he is called, is in perfect health and is just a joy.

Well their all joys, but some days one is more of a joy than on others!

TBT: Baby Arnie

Here are a few pictures of Arnie when he was a newborn puppy. My dearest friend, Emily, always loved him the best and she lamented over, and over , that we should not sell Arnie.

Arnie was the only male in Greta’s first litter of five pups. From the very start, Arnie was low key and easy to get along with.

Arnie was, in fact, sold, but on the day his new owner was going to pick him up, she changed her mind. Hubby and I always intended to sell him, but less than a week later, we decided that Arnie, was home for good! With us!

Baby Arnie


Dec. 24 007

Emily and Arnie

Arnie at about 7 weeks

Feb. 4 Arnie

Arnie at 12 weeks

Nov. 1 004a

Arnie now. We have never regretted keeping him. He is, quite simply, the best little guy around!

TBT: Anneliese & Arnie

It’s hard to believe that Greta’s first babies are now eight and a half years old! I was looking back at pictures and came upon this one of Anneliese  (L) and Arnie (R), as 10 week old puppies. I had the puppy room all set up for Greta’s litter of 5, and they would come to the doorway and all line up and watch me as I cooked or made their meals. It’s amazing how fast that time went.

Jan. 29 Anneliese and Arnie 001

Sept. 15 004


Nov. 1 004a


Love Is In The Air

I think it must be the call of the wild.

I have three spayed female dogs in my home. Two are former mothers, but have been spayed for several years. Lili, of course, we had done right off in October, with hopes it would help her to calm down. One still hopes.

But Mr. Arnie is acting very strangely. Not so much with Lili, but with Greta and Anneliese. It started yesterday. Arnie began following Greta and Anneliese around putting his snout on their backs in a pathetically loving way.

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Last night, while trying to go to sleep, he made his way around the bed, trying to snuggle with the two girls. I could hear them growl at him, in an attempt to get him to cut it out!

No, Arnie is not neutered. We have simply never had a problem with him that required us to neuter him.

But, this is worrying me a little. He is a bit on the thin side and well, I can only wonder how long his “loving” ways will continue.

Still, his cuddling them is cute, and as long as he doesn’t start to roam, I guess it’s OK. After all, it’s not like the girls will cooperate with him.

So, I can tell, Spring is in the air! Or at least Love!