Savannah Rose Turns 5 Years Old!

Yes, today is our dear Savannah Rose’s 5th birthday. Due to the fact that her birthday was in the middle of the week, she has gotten several birthday celebrations along the way to mark this special occasion.

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My dearest granddaughter is one of God’s greatest gifts in my life. Savi brings me such happiness and joy, and I feel blessed every day of my life, to have this sweet girl in it.

Savi is everything a grandmother could ask for and more. So, on this very special day I wish her good health, much happiness, and a year full of special joyful days!

I love you Savi!

Savannah's 4th Birthday from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

Work, Work, Work!

The weekend was very busy for me. I’m still working at thinning my stuff. Clothes, odds and ends, and getting it ready for our charity shop. I have 5 large bags filled to the brim, and more to go.

I cooked three fabulous meals. Roast leg of lamb, sirloin steak and then lamb stew. All were good and filled us up on these bitterly cold days.

My darling Quinn is now 10 months old! Can you believe that? He is such a grown up, handsome guy and I am amazed by him. It seems like just yesterday that I held him for the first time and fell in love!


Savannah had her first big girl hair cut. Nothing too dramatic, but enough so the snarl monster is leaving her alone. She looks just adorable!


Have a great Monday everyone!


Today I actually got out and accompanied Mandy on some errands .

It was chilly, but sunny, and it felt nice to see the holiday crowds at the store.

Each year I buy at least one  Barbie doll to donate to the  “Toys For Tots” program.

I have done this to honor the children whose parents may not be able to afford presents.

This year was special because  Savannah was with me and she loves Barbie .

However, I explained to her about the children from poor families, and something remarkable happened .

Savannah took the doll out of the bag, hugged it, and carefully placed it in the “Toys For Tots ” box.


Then this magical four year old girl walked away, got into the car, and never fussed or cried over that doll.

She, at this tender age, already understands what many will not. The true beauty of selflessly giving

Savannah Rose’s 4th Birthday

Time is rushing by, my sweet Savannah Rose. I remember the day you were born, and holding you in my arms for the first time. I looked into you tiny face, and the love that washed over my heart, felt like I was in a whole new world! And I was!

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You have brought so many smiles, and giggles and so much happiness, as I have shared you discovering the world. You are so amazing, and just when I think my heart can’t grow anymore, you say something to me and that love grows again.

When I see you running over to me, calling my name “Oma”, my life feels so complete.

Remember what I tell you all the time, “I love you to the moon and back and then some”. And know, my darling, I always will!

Happy Birthday, Savannah Rose!

Savannah's 4th Birthday from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

Granddaughter, Birthday, Celebrations, Love

Friday Five

And here we are again. Another week has come and gone and Friday is upon us. It’s mid-May, and in two weeks my little love, Savannah will turn four years old! Here are 5 recollections of the last four years.

  1. The day Savannah arrived I held her, tears in my eyes and felt the deepest surge of love imaginable.
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    She was the most beautiful baby girl and my heart swelled with love.
  2. As she grew I started to see her very distinctive personality. She was bright, alert, and imaginative. She also knew from an early age what she liked.
    Savannah and her chair

    In fact we took her shopping for a bouncy seat and she tried several before settling down in one and picking it out as her own.
  3. By her first birthday she was walking, and starting to talk. As she grew older her talking increased.

    Happy from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

    She began to express her wants and desires, but in words.
  4. She has always been so cuddly and loving.
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    And to this day, she will see me, run into my arms crying “Oma” in her happy little voice!
  5. I love sitting and talking with her now.
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    She will tell me all her little stories, her feelings, and I am enthralled.

What a true blessing it is to be an Oma to this amazing little girl!!!

Grandchildren & Love

Last week I drove down and spent the day with my daughter and grandson. It was a nice day, and I enjoyed the ride down and back.

Mandy and I hit the Outlet shops, and in the early afternoon we stopped to have lunch. We both felt like something different, and decided to go to a Thai Restaurant and try them. Oh my goodness, it was fabulous!



Sweet Quinn was really good while we shopped. If we were outside walking, he fell right to sleep. But as soon as we would go into a store, he would wake up! He didn’t cry, but he was wide awake and taking it all in.   At the end of lunch, Mandy and I went to get Savannah at school and that was such a wonderful surprise. She came home and we got to play and joke and fool around, before I had to leave to drive home.


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I’ll be going back this week to spend some more time with them. You know, the time you spend with your children or grandchildren, is the best!

Weekend Stuff

I woke to a very cold, yet very beautiful day. The lake is once again a hotbed of activity, as it is “The Greater Meredith Ice Fishing Derby”.

Since the big Lake (Winnipesaukee) is not frozen over, and safety must come first, there are not as many anglers out there. Instead, they’ve come over to our Lake (Waukewan) which is much less deep, and does have a fairly good surface of ice.

Still, I know I am really paranoid, and I will not go out on the Lakes at this time of year, seeing that we have had 50+ degree (F) weather recently. And rain…oh my goodness the rain has been incredible!

Yesterday and today Hubby took Lili out in the yard, and she ran and ran and ran and ran, and became one giant, muddy mess. She was formerly a lovely White German Shepherd dog! Today Hubby brought her in through the basement and washed her down. And for that he gets a big hug and kiss!


I have my suitcase packed, as we are now down to the final days of my daughter’s pregnancy. Friday was her last day in the office, although she will work at home until the little guy decides to show up, or March 7th arrives (her C-section date).

I now sleep with my cell phone next to me, and it’s on the shelf in the bathroom when I shower. Yes, I think we can all safely assume that I am excited about my grandson’s birth!

And the bonus is that I get to spend time with Savannah. I have a whole bag full of fun stuff for Savi and Oma to do.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Wrap Up

I’ve been off in my own little world for the last few days for various reasons. The best reason is that I got to spend Saturday with my favorite three and a half year old little girl, Miss Savannah Rose!

As time draws near, for Savi’s baby brother to arrive, her parents decided to go out and have a real date day. I got there at lunch time, and stayed overnight.

And oh, what fun we had!

We danced, we played dress up, we read books, we played with jigsaw puzzles, and when Oma was tired, we watched Cartoon movies.


Puzzle time

20160130_122419   Dressing up


Even Oma dresses up.

20160130_115840 Apples, from Papa.

I made her dinner. You know, the kind of dinner that all Oma’s are good at. I made chicken nuggets, corn and wait for it…..potato puffs!

Savi ate everything, and for dessert, I had brought a mini chocolate cake, and she got a piece of that! I mean, how good does it get?

About 8:15 I started reading books to her, and she lay in bed and listened to my words. I am not a great person to read out loud, but Savi does not seem to notice and loves it when I read to her.

By 8:30 she was nestled, all snug in her bed, and drifted off to sleep. I went down to the kitchen, popped open a beer and then sat quietly and watched the Australian Open match between Serena Williams and Angelique Kerber. All I can say it that the match was incredible, and it could have gone either way. In the end Kerber won, and I was in awe of both of these talented women.

Mandy and Matt got in about 10 PM and we talked for a bit before Mandy and I hit the hay. I love their guest room bed, and I slept pretty well.

This morning I was up and gone pretty early, stopping for gas at a local Warehouse Club ($1.65 a gallon!) before arriving home to my happy husband and four happy doggies!

Savi The Dancing Girl

Since I have not figured out how to upload a photo from my phone to Flickr and then to my blog, I wasn’t able to share these until this morning. These are, what I call, my dancing Savannah photos!

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  She was so excited to be at her ballet class. I love her little leotard and soft ballet shoes. I mean, is there anything sweeter than a little one in a tutu?

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Savannah loves to try new things. She is almost fearless in that pursuit. I love her steely determination, and positive attitude.

I really enjoy these Oma and Savannah moments, and I wouldn’t trade that time for anything in the world!