A Leg Up

You will all think I have lost my mind, but here is my Friday tale. Completely true, I assure you.

June 30 004

Our neighbors own a very cute, but strange Schipperke male dog named Kodiak. Ever since they moved in, he has come over and wee-wee’d all over our yard. Fritz accepts this as he is Kodiak’s best friend and adheres to the my tree is your tree mode of thinking. Life is just the two boys romping around our back yard.

Now, Arnie has been watching Kodiak for some time. He hasn’t much cared for him since Kodiak nipped at him and Anneliese when they were about 12 weeks old. He watches and he waits and when Kodiak comes to call he barks like mad!

He also alerts me when Kodiak lifts his leg.

This morning Kodiak came to call. Arnie told me and I let Fritz outside to play with him. I could see Arnie sitting by the door, unhappily. He wanted to get out, he wanted to chase Kodiak away.

I smiled, but got on with my housework not thinking any more of it. By mid afternoon, Kodiak had gone home and Hubby suggested that we take the puppies out for some exercise, so we got their toy balls and out we all went. The dogs played and played and then I spotted Arnie. He was a little apart from Greta, Fritz and Anneliese.

I watched and watched and soon, what should he do? He went over to the corner of the cement basement and …

He lifted his leg and wee-wee’d right on the spot where Kodiak had gone that morning!!!

I mean he lifted that short little leg so high, I thought he might topple over, but he didn’t.

Hubby and I were so proud and we praised him over and over, while Hubby grabbed the hose and rinsed the corner off.

I guess our little boy is growing up!

Thursday Thirteen #49


Thirteen Things About My Love For The Harry Potter Books

1. I really enjoyed the last Harry Potter book.
2. I think it was my favorite book of the series.
3. My next favorite is the first book.
4. I started to read that one again last night.
5. I plan to read the entire series from start to finish.
6. There are so many details I had forgotten.
7. Which is why I am re-reading the books.
8. Since I know the story now, I can read and absorb slowly.
9. There is a real joy in this.
10. I’ve always loved Harry.
11. He is a noble and brave lad.
12. He could have gone the way of Malfoy, but he remained true to his values.
13. I will really miss J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter books.

Getting Back Into Gear

It was a big day on Tuesday. Once we had gotten up, showered and eaten breakfast we grabbed our coolers, and headed to the big grocery shop 25 miles south of here.

The list was long as we needed every kind of food possible, including dog food. We went to three different shops before loading the back of our station wagon (sorting the cold food into the coolers we had brought with us, as it was very hot again) and headed back home.

We drove around our house to the back door (something we do not do often as it requires us to drive on the lawn) and unloaded all of our parcels. Hubby made his lunch while I put everything away. Then I made a salad for myself.

After that I just wanted to rest, but there was still so much to do. Clean the kitchen, give all the dogs their heart-worm medication and do their flea and tick liquid.

It was then my phone rang and my caller ID told me it was an unknown caller. Since I was feeling daring, I picked it up. It was Emily!!! She was calling me from the Hawaii airport while she waited for her plane to L.A.

We talked about the pups and what she had been doing in Hawaii and how much fun she was having. But, she can hardly wait to get home. I told her how much we’ve missed her and how much the doggies have missed her too. Another week and she will be home! Yahoo!!!!

Since we were feeling flush at the grocery store and perhaps a little like we deserved to spoil ourselves after all that driving to Canada and back, we bought two Maine Lobsters for our dinner. Heaven!


I have finished reading “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows“!!! Yay! If anyone wants to talk about it please email me. The address is in the sidebar. Please don’t leave any spoilers in the comments because I’d hate to ruin it for anyone who is still reading.

Okay, Enough With The Heat

We’ve just returned from Canada, where the average temperature during the day was 90+ degrees. It was also humid. The only saving grace there was the stiff sea breeze that seemed always to help cool things down. Thank God for the sea breeze!

We are home now. Back in central New Hampshire, where we are known for our moderate summers. So what have we returned to? Hot! Humid! And Hazy!

This sort of weather is why I left Florida and returned to New England. I just couldn’t take the heat. Everyone said that my “blood would thin” and I would be fine in the heat. I want to tell you all, it never happened. Hot is hot and you never really get used to it, you just get better air conditioning.

So I have one more month (August) to go before we (hopefully) will start to cool off, and I want to say just one thing here!

Enough with the heat!!!

Home From Canada!

We were up early on Sunday, had showers and breakfast and packed up the car. The doggies said goodbye to the Super 8 Motel and off we went back to Digby, Nova Scotia to catch the ferry to St. John, New Brunswick. It was very warm and rainy when we left, but by the time we reached Digby two hours later, the rain had stopped and a thin layer of fog sat out over the water.

We waited in line for the ship and eventually we were loaded on the upper ramp in the ships belly. That was quite interesting. We put the pups in their crate and went up to have lunch in the ships cafeteria. Hubby had stuffed scrod and I had the fisherman’s platter. Yum! All my favorites!

Then we found seats in the lounge and I got to read Harry Potter. The first good read I have had since I left last Wednesday. Oh it is sooooo good and now I am about 100 pages from the end and I am reading very slowly so I can enjoy every bit of this book!

Once we docked we drove to St. Stephen, New Brunswick, where you cross back into the USA. We waited in line for about half an hour and then crossed with no difficulty.

After that it was a long trip across Maine and back to New Hampshire. Before our trip we had gotten a talking GPS and for the most part “she” workedgreat. Although we could not get her to work in Nova Scotia. However, in New Brunswick and Maine and New Hampshire she did very well. Before our next trip in September I will have to think of a good name for her.

Hubby did all the driving on this trip, and I did all the cuddling of puppies. They did very well, not only in the car, but in the motel, at the family reunion and meeting all the strange people in Hubby’s family! (LOL)

We arrived back at the house at 10:25 last night and we were greeted by two very happy doggies! Fritz and Greta were so happy to see us and Fritz, more than Greta, was happy to see the puppies.

Today will be laundry and unpacking day. And perhaps, if I am lucky, I will be able to finally finish Harry Potter!

It is so good to be home!

Family Reunion Day 3

In the morning on Saturday we met with some friends who also have wire-haired dachshunds. We visited with them and their handsome boy Odin. The dogs eyed each other carefully and we were invited to lunch at their home. It was such a nice time that I hated to see it end but we had to get ready for the party.

The party was Saturday night and everything was so nice. We all met before hand at the homestead for pictures and to joke and talk some more.

July 28 019
Hubby with his cousins.
July 28 021
Me with some of the spouses.

Afterward, we put the pups in their crate and then headed to the community hall for the dinner. It was a roast beef dinner with mashed potatoes and peas and carrots. For dessert, fresh strawberry shortcake! Mmmmm! My favorite.

After dinner we all seemed to empty into the parking lot as he temperatures inside the hall were high. Have I mentioned that they are having a heat wave up here in Nova Scotia? It’s been in the 90’s each day with no rain!

We leave Sunday in the morning for the return trip to New Hampshire. We will get the 1 PM ferry in Digby to St. John, New Brunswick, and our estimated time of arrival at home is about midnight.

It’s been wonderful coming up here and we look forward to our next trip up.

Ramily Reunion Day 2

The Relaxed Family Shindig

After sleeping in a bit this morning, we had a leisurely breakfast in our motel room. The dogs were up and playing and Hubby and I watched the TV and drank our coffee.

At noon, we headed over to the homestead
July 27 005

where we sat around, shooting the breeze, watching the dogs play and taking countless pictures.

Cousins from all across Canada arrived and we shared a nice casual meal that seemed to last all day. I call it familial grazing!

The pups are now familiar with the house and the yard and we were able to take them outside and allow them to play in the yard.

July 27 014
Hubby and Arnie
July 27 016
Anneliese and Arnie

Soon the sunset,
July 27 018
and the band arrived, and bluegrass music was played.
July 27 024

Poor Anneliese had a little bit of a nervous breakdown when she saw the musicians arrive with all their instruments, and suddenly our group of about 20-25 people nearly doubled.

We stayed for about an hour listening to the music before we left to come back to the motel. Saturday is our formal banquet and a dance. It should be a lot of fun!