
Me, defined in blocks of 5 things

Tagged by Janet

10 years ago – I was living in Punta Gorda Florida
8 years ago – I was the happy Mom of Max and Shubi in Florida
4-7 years ago – We sold our house in Punta Gorda and moved back to New Hampshire and built our house.
2 years ago –I got Fritz
Now –Living happily and healthfully in New Hampshire with 1 husband, 3 dogs and myself.

Five yummy things:

1) Dark chocolate anything
2) pumpkin pie
3) turkey dinners
4) snickerdoodle cookies
5) M&M’s

Five songs I know by heart:

Almost any song I like. I have a photgraphic memory for lyrics.

Five things I would do with a lot of money:

1) Take a cruise around the world
2) Travel
3) Plan a big trip with my loved ones
4) get a small camp in the mountains
5) save it

Five places I would to escape to:

1) Hawaii
2) Scotland
3) Germany
4) Alaska
5) A cruise ship

Five things I would never wear:

1) Granny pants
2) pleather
3) capris pants
4) tube tops (not anymore anyway)
5) those pants that aren’t quite capris, but yet aren’t long enough to brush the top of your shoes. UCK!

Five favorite TV shows:

3) Two and a Half Men
4) Everybody Hates Chris
5) The Apprentice

Five things I enjoy doing:

1) walking the dogs in the woods
2) taking pictures
3) cooking
4) traveling
5) blogging

Five Favorite toys:

1) camera
2) my car
3) laptop
4) cd player
5) vcr Still

Five people who get this meme:
Anyone who reads this!

Busy, Busy, Busy

Yesterday, instead of sitting around feeling sad, I decided I would go out and do something that would make me feel happy and positive about the day.
I went shopping for Christmas presents for my grand nephews, Taft and Luke and my grand niece, Abby. The funny thing was, I wasn’t alone on this trip. Here’s what happened.
My cell phone rang and it was my BFF Gail. She and I are on the same cell service and so we can talk and talk for FREE!!! Anyway. I had my headset with me and clipped the cell to my belt and walked through the stores talking to her, telling her what I was seeing, what I was buying, and what life was like yesterday.
I’m sure I looked like a crazy person walking around talking to myself, but it was so much fun to share my shopping trip with my BFF like that.
I am so excited about the things I got for the kids, not only for Christmas, but for my visit with them this weekend!
Now that I have all the presents wrapped, I need to pack a bag and get the car ready for the trip. My neighbor is riding with me. Her sister lives a few towns over from my sister, so it’s a nice way for both us us to go down and have company on the long ride. (4 1/2 hours)

Read extended entry if you want to see Fritz’s wound pictures.

Continue reading “Busy, Busy, Busy”

Happy Birthday Kathleen

Today, 27 years ago, I gave birth to my second daughter. Kathleen Alynne. She weighed 8 pounds and 10 ounces and was 23 1/2 inches long. The labor was short, 4 1/2 hours and out popped this little being with bright red curls! A total surprise.


She grew into those curls with the greenest of eyes and dimples in both of her chubby cheeks. She had a big heart, an incredible sense of humor and a great love for her family.


I was lucky to share 6 birthdays with her before she was tragically killed at the age of 6 1/2 in a car accident.
I miss her every day, but I know too, that although she is not with me physically, she will always be with me in my heart! So Happy Birthday, my darling Katie!!!


Great excitement here tonight. Fritz went out for his last wee-wee of the night and apparently got into some improperly disposed of barbed wire! It caught him under his chin and he pulled to get away. He came in with quite a gaping gash.
We called our Vet and brought him in and he cleaned the wound and now Fritz has about 6 staples in his chin. He is still all drugged out and we have him on a blanket in front of the fire. My poor, poor boy.
More later.

A Sunny Windy Day

The day started early. I made breakfast for Old Boy, his son and Hubby and then with much sadness we said our goodbye’s. At least they have a nice day for driving.

I was feeling pretty sad, and Hubby came into the family room and said in a loud voice,
“Let’s go for a walk in the park!”
Well, all three dogs jumped up and started dancing around the room! Their delight helped get me up off my chair and out the door. We arrived at the park and no one was there. Probably because it was 42 degrees and the wind was blowing about 25 miles an hour. However, we got the dogs going down the long trail and their delight in being out at the park was all I needed to help lighten my spirits. Before I knew it I was laughing at their antics, and joking with Hubby. It was wonderful to have light, careless moments once again.
At the little lake, the dogs even went for a quick swim, which was a good thing, as they’d gotten a tad muddy on the trails. Shubi especially wanted to play fetch with a stick! I say God Bless, as this old gal continues to amaze me!
We came home and had hot soup for lunch and now the dogs are all sleeping silently around the house.

Not An Easy Day

Today is not an easy day. Emotionally. It was actually more chaotic yesterday with our Old Boy. We finally had to call his son, as Old Boy’s condition has deteriorated and we could no longer cope with the daily problems. We tried. We really wanted to. I think more than anything we wanted to believe that Old Boy was still competent to handle his own life. We kept trying to help him to do this, but we finally had to admit that we would get him out of one mess and he was off getting himself into another.
So, although yesterday was definitely more stressful as far as, confrontations, etc., (which we all know, I do not do well), today is such a sad day because the decisions have been made, his son is on the way and I have so many feelings racing around inside of me.
1. Guilt. I feel like some sort of Geriatric Narc. I turned him in for “being old“!
2. Guilt. Relief that the responsibility for his welfare is passing from us to his own family.
3. Sadness. That Old Boy has gotten so old so quickly. Where did the time go? Wasn’t it just the other day that Hubby and I got married and he was an Usher at the wedding?
4. Sadness. That this will probably be the last time I see him. I don’t think he is going to do well and I do know he is angry at us right now. I hate things to end this way.
5. Anger. At the fates. Don’t you just hate to watch the people you love and care about get old? It makes me angry, and sometimes even a little scared

Continue reading “Not An Easy Day”

Saturday Musings

Big news from my daughter!!!> She is buying her own condo, and will close on it on November 15th!!! I am so proud of her. She is such an accomplished woman. She is great at her job, confident and hard working and not only that, she is a wonderful person. So the fact that she is buying her first home, all on her own, fills me with pride!!! Even if I wasn’t her Mom I would feel like this.

It looks like November today. Gray, dark and dreary. Ah well, what are you going to do? I have decided to do some organizing after seeing a segment on TV that showed I am sadly disorganized. Oh, my house actually doesn’t look bad, as long as you don’t open a closet. So today is closet and dresser day.

Hubby needs a new chair. What I’d like to do is get a sofa with a recliner on either end and a table that folds down in the middle. He doesn’t like the idea, but I’ll keep working on him. Our old sofa is in terrible shape and needs to find a recycling center. Then my love seat can be the accent piece. See, I have it all figured out?

Turkey’s are on sale this week for 49 cents. Sure they are frozen, but who the heck cares, for 49 cents? The limit is two so I’m getting two for my freezer. I LOVE turkey and these will make great meals and soups throughout the long cold winter.

Continue reading “Saturday Musings”

Meg’s Friday Five

In friday five

1. What was the last thing you made from scratch?
Stuffed shells. That was dinner last night.
2. List your top five indispensible web sites/utilities.
Spell check, File upload, dogs, imagination, Meme’s
3. What nice thing did someone do for your this week?
A friend brought me back real Saffron from Istanbul!
4. What nice thing did you do for someone else this week?
Washing clothes and cleaning out moldy things.
5. List three great things about this past week.
Good weather, dry days and cool nights

Continue reading “Meg’s Friday Five”

I Have Found It

Last spring, in all my domesticity, I bought “Space Bags” to protect all my woolens from those bad wool eating Moths. I carefully packed and stored all my sweaters and Hubby’s wool shirts. I was so proud of my accomplishments! Smile, smile, smile!!!!
Fast forward to a week ago when I pulled out the woolens for unpacking and putting back in Moth free closets. I found Hubby’s shirts, and our coats, and a few of my lesser sweaters, but my favorite and best sweaters were no where to be found!!! Also in that bag were two blankets. I searched high and low, in and out and all around the house. No bag. Certainly I didn’t accidentally give it away to charity?
This morning I could feel my self really losing control and I began to get frantic. I was sending Greta under beds, tossing boxes in the attic and I was near to a nervous breakdown!
Then I decided I would look in our guest room closet, which is currently chock-a-block full with Old Boy’s stuff.
There in the very back of the closet, was the sealed bag!
Once again I could breath!!!