Meandering Thoughts

I watched “The Apprentice” last night. I confess, it’s probably my favorite TV show. I love to watch the projects, I love to see how people think and what they do in different situations.
Last night was a great example. The men were disorganized and their project resulted in a really poor product. The women on the other hand, worked together well, worked hard and their product, was a very professional presentation. I could just see the Ad Company Reps faces light up! Yes, the women won last night!

Today is an easy cooking day. I have been marinating a Sauer Braten Roast all week and today I will cook it. This will be good and easy eating for my dear Old Man. I also serve mashed potatoes and red cabbage and cooked onions. All very soft foods that are almost pre-digested. Or at least they will be, because I will cook them until they are really soft.

I had this strange dream last night. My cousin and I were teens again and we were swimming at our favorite beach. Surf Drive. The beach was beautiful and the day was sunny, and we looked great! So very YOUNG! Ha! Well, it was a nice dream.


Tuesday morning I was just about to make an entry in Princess, when it all froze up on me! My very own web page rejected me! I just knew it was me and I tried everything, but nothing worked. I fell into despair!
No one could fix it but my dear divinereality! And I am sending out a Big Thank You!!!
Tuesday Evening:
The phone rang. A very old and dear friend of ours was calling from Texas. He was in the non affected area of Texas.
He said, “Guess what? I’m coming to New Hampshire tomorrow.”
“Where are you staying, who is meeting you at the plane?” I asked.
“I don’t know.”
Now this gentleman is 87 years old. He has know Hubby since Hubby went to Germany to work in the late 1960’s. When Hubby and I first got married he lived with us and helped care for our pets while I traveled around the world with Hubby. So he is very dear to us in many, many ways.
“We’ll be at the airport and you’re staying with us!” I said.

Continue reading “Life”

Dirty Little Secrets

Okay. I have hidden this from you all for the longest time. But it is time to confess. I watch the soaps. Two of them. “All My Children” and “General Hospital”. If I can’t be there to actually watch them I have been known to tape them, or, (gasp) watch Soap Network on cable at night to catch up.
Anyone else want to confess with me?

Oh Shoot!

In the night I had this awesome dream. During the dream I remember thnking that it would make a great Blog entry. (You see, I am starting to think of my life as to what can be used as a Blog entry!)
Good. I had a great entry for a wet and dismal Monday morning and I didn’t have to stress about it.
Fast forward to Monday morning. All I know is that I “HAD” a dream that would have made a great entry. What it was about, who was in it, I have no idea.

The good news from New Hampshire is I have lost 2 pounds in a week. I’m back to South Beaching it.

The bad news is, it’s raining like crazy.

Another Cruise???

Hubby and I were sitting here last night talking and he said,
“So when do we go on our next cruise?”
I was afraid to ask if he is toying with me, but I told him I was ready whenever he was. The big question, of course, is where to go? We are not the sort to lie around, (well, I am, but Hubby is not) so this must be a cruise where you “learn and see something, besides eat and sleep. Thus, you can justify all the gluttony!
Hubby says the Panama Canal. Okay fine. I don’t really care. I just want a weeks worth of TLC. And this will tell you why.
As lunchtime drew near I asked Hubby what he wanted for lunch? I bent down and pulled a few things from the fridge. He came up with a meal as I passed all the items to him. I got out my lettuce, cucumber, tomatoes, roast beef, Calamata olives and cheese (the MB salad) and went to make up my salad when I saw him sitting in the family room. All the containers of left oversee placed on the shelf.
“Aren’t you going to make your lunch?” I asked
“I thought you were.” he said, ignoring me and continuing to read the paper.
“Ah, no. I was going to make my salad.”
He did not move. Not one inch.
“Your mother ruined you, ya know! YOU RUINED HIM!!!!!!”
I said looking toward the heavens!!!
He never moved and would probably still be there starving if I did not put his meal together.
Yes, I need another cruise.

Observations on Life

I finally slept well last night, but I have decided that I need to buy a new bed pillow. The one I have has gotten too flat. I woke with the two dachshunds glued to my body feeling happily, snugly, warm!
My doctor started me on new medication a few weeks ago. Yesterday, I noticed that things that have previously tasted really good to me, (a particular salad that I make when I need to diet and lose weight, coffee, tea, etc.) no longer taste the same. While on the old medication, I had wanted to drink only coffee. Tea just didn’t taste good to me. Now, I have my morning coffee, then I want tea. Coffee just isn’t cutting it. I think it is so strange how medications can affect your taste buds!!!
Shubi’s eye already looks better. I cut the hair away from the eye, and of course she has the ointment now and that is making all the difference..
Our pears are starting to come in. I need to look up some recipes for preserving pears. Pear Jam?
Today is errand day. I need to go to Walmart for dog food, and the grocery store for MB food!
Now that Labor Day has come and gone all the tourists have gone home. I can drive around town and not get cut off. Tourists seem to think that winter arrives as soon as Labor Day does, so we se fewer and fewer of them after that! All I can say is “Thank You”!!!

Friday Afternoon

I had thought that things would be fairly easy. All that really needed to be done today was to get Fritz to the Vets for his yearly shots. I did get that done, and got him weighed in 75.5 pounds. (My, he is such a small shepherd) However, I noticed that Shubi had a yucky eye and so I arranged to bring her in too. She was 21.1 pounds, (Greta came with us for the ride and was 18.9 pounds) and Shubi has a hairline scratch on her cornea. But probably the most troubling is that they discovered a heart murmur. Now if this little dog hasn’t had enough problems in the last few years, now they have found this.
So, I’m feeling a little depressed about it.
I think Hubby is too. He came back and went into his office. He is pretty quiet.
By the way. The Vet. says Fritz is fantastic. That and Greta’s continued good health made my day a little brighter.