What I Did This Past Weekend

Miss Marple 2

Our host is Gattina. Come join us and tell us what YOU did this past weekend! After all, you never know when you will need an alibi!


Friday night found Hubby and I off to a party at our friends home. It was a warm and inviting home, and the group that gathered was fun together. It seems when we get this particular group of people together, we all find a lot to talk about and to laugh about. So, it was definitely good times!

We came home before the fireworks began to take care of the dogs. Usually Fritz is our scared pup, but this year it was all three dackels. In fact Arnie was shaking!

We popped the cork on a bottle of bubbly and toasted the New Year and hit the hay right after the Ball dropped in Times Square. I feel old…


The next morning, Greta woke me at the crack of dawn. and I never did get a nap during the day. So, by 8:30 last night I was so tired that I took the dogs out for a walk, and then went to bed, falling instantly asleep. Hubby said he came in not too long after I went to bed, and I was snoring soundly.

Sunday morning I woke with a cold.  My throat was sore and my chest was burning and I still felt tired. I somehow managed to cook breakfast and lunch, but spent a lot of time cuddled under a blanket watching TV.


It was on Sunday that I got the happiest news, that my eldest nephew asked a really wonderful woman to become his wife!

Mike and Karan

Mike and Karan are two of the nicest, sweetest people I know, and they are so good together. Congratulations to them both!


The week ahead finds me trying to shake this cold, as the first of the year meetings begin!

I’ll miss the sleepy peace that seems to settle in after Christmas and lasts until New Years. Now it’s back to the grind and meetings.


Have a good week every one!

Happy New Year

Yesterday’s post was my wacky thoughts about life in general. Today’s Post is about my New Years Resolutions. Most people will make them, or have made them in the past, including yours truly. Of all the resolutions I have made, my quitting smoking 11 years ago, and my joining Weight Watchers, which you can read about here, are the ones I am most proud of.

I did reach my weight loss goal three years ago, I was so proud that day. I went to class and I had reached my goal. I was on cloud nine and jumped around like a little kid!

Of course, I found staying at my goal weight a bit more of a challenge than I had thought it would be, especially after the last egg dropped and I was in the throws of menopause. Then my metabolism totally betrayed me, and I put on some of the weight.

I kept going to class though. There were weeks I gained weight, and weeks I have lost only two tenths of a pound, but I kept going, and I still do.

Weight Watchers has started a new program. I don’t know enough about it yet to know if this will be the answer to my dietary prayers, but I certainly hope it will be. I’m learning about it, and I hope that I can once again be successful

So, that’s my New Years Resolution. To once again work on my health, my weight and get myself back in shape. I have not given myself a deadline. Oh, didn’t we all do that as a teenager? I want to be thin by bikini season? I just want to work the weight off, and then LEARN to keep it off!

So, what’s your New Years Resolution?

(Remember, you can do it, if you really want to!)

Veteran’s Day

Thursday the 11th of November, was Veteran’s Day here in the States. All across the Nation, Memorial Ceremonies were held to honor those who gave their lives for our country, as well as those who served, continue to serve and all the families.

Our State Veteran’s Cemetery is about 22 miles from our home. It is beautifully laid out, and quite comforting to walk through. A few thousand people came from across our state to remember, and honor the Military.

I took pictures and so did Hubby. We wanted to share with you these pictures, to allow you a chance to see, some of the wonderful men and women who served our Nation in the Military. The cemetery serves both the Military and their Spouses for burial.

I was glad I had on my big sunglasses, because I get quite choked up seeing the love around me. The love for Country, Family and Friends.

Hubby’s Veteran’s Day from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

Never Forget

Today it is nine years since my country suffered attacks by AlQaeda, that forever changed my fellow Americans. It is still one of the saddest days of my life, so horrific that I am still unsure that I will ever recover.

On that fateful day, two French brothers were working in New York City making a documentary. Their film, is the best chronicle of that day. Many libraries have the film and you can check it out. If not go HERE and order it. Truly shocking and amazing.

I think everyone knows where they were on that day. They can tell you almost to the second where they were and what they were doing.


The day that our innocence died.

It makes me quite sad that so many people do not understand, or remember what happened that day. How often I have heard that these people are just like us and didn’t mean to hurt us.

Then I recall that this was intentionally done and the coordination of the event was for the largest number of deaths possible.

There have been some who refuse to give up. They stand up and they stand for all the goodness of the people in our country. They don’t allow people to lie to us, or to have us believe that we are all the same. Truly, there is evil in the world.


So remember those who died. Pray for their souls, but also remember the men who took those innocent lives, and the ones out there that would kill you as soon as look upon your face.

Please, Never Forget!

It’s the only protection that we have.

Happy Birthday, Melodie!!!

Today is the birthday of my big sister Melodie. So while you look at a few pictures of us through the years, listen to this recording of a song she taught me. We used to sing this while we washed the dishes, when we were kids. Just start the Youtube music and go down and start the montage of Mel. I tried to do it differently, but it didn’t work out.

Happy Birthday Melodie from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

Happy Birthday, Sis! Love you!!!!

Happy 5th Blogoversary To Me!!

Five years ago, my cousin Janet, encouraged me to start my blog. With the help of one of her friends, we put together the art work, and chose the domain name and Dackel Princess was born.

Dackel Princess came from my deep love of my wire-haired dachshund, Shubi. She was my first wire-haired dachshund, my constant companion and best friend.

June 29 008

Although Shubi was not what the judges would call beautiful and perfect, in my eyes she was all that a mother could want.

Blogaversary from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

Over the years I have shared my dogs, my family, and my life with you all. Funny how that worked. The first day I started to write, I believed that no one but my cousin and sister would read my blog. Now 5 years later I have found so many friends from around the world who read my blog, and share my life.

I’ve learned so much sharing my life and reading other blogs, where people share their lives with us. Even though there is a difference of location and culture, basically we are the same. We love our families, our children and our pets. We fret over our homes, our cars and our jobs.

I love my blog and I look forward to many more years writing away on Dackel Princess. I think, Shubi would be proud to know she started all this.


After many years using my old page skin, a lovely lady named Emily helped me design this new page. I wanted fonts that were deep and easy to read, as you all know my vision is poor, and I wanted bright spring colors that were also soothing! I am thrilled.

Thank you so much, Emily!!!

So what do you think of the new and improved Dackel Princess?

Lovable Dogs & Olympic Questions

Tuesday morning we all slept in! I mention this because lately I have been awake by 6 or 6:30 each morning. However, today the dogs and Hubby all were feeling sleepy and no one wanted to get up.

I did move about quarter to 8 and Anneliese leapt onto me with glee! I was covered with kisses by the happiest pup ever. Arnie joined in, greeting the day with pleasure, and Greta lay between Hubby and me putting up with the frivolity. The next thing we knew, Fritz jumped up to join in the celebration of a new day! Both Hubby and I laughed. We are very lucky to have this pack of dogs!

I immediately asked Hubby who had won the ice dancing the night before. The darned skating runs so late that I end up going to sleep about half way through it. I really love the skating and I wish the time was such that I could watch the whole thing. My favorite couple, Meryl Davis and Charlie White won the silver medal! I am so happy for them!!!

Of course none of us see the whole of anything, except maybe Curling and Hockey. We get those completely and at decent times. I have been less than thrilled with NBC’s coverage because they don’t show things live, like the skiing, or ski jumping, when they could. They also do not show us the “minor” players in these events.

You know, if I made it to the Olympics in any sport, I would hope that the world would see me. Think about it. These kids practice 7 days a week, for years and years and years. Don’t they deserve their moment of glory as much as the medal winners do?

I can tell you that I have watched a ton of Curling. Do I understand it at all? Not really. Hubby does. His parents came from Canada and apparently has played and watched the sport over the years enough to tell what the heck they are doing. I do know one thing…there was a girl from Denmark on the Women’s Curling team and she looked really tough. I wouldn’t want to meet her in a dark ally.

Best moments, Lindsey Vonn winning gold and Bode Miller winning his medals, all three of them!  And of course Meryl and Charlie! What are your favorite moments?

One More Time…

Today I was late in making my bed. Okay, it was 4 o’clock in the afternoon, but heck, I had a bad migraine and didn’t get around to it until then. Anyway, it was then that I saw the tell tale signs. Yes, Greta is now in heat!

Oct 5 002

Greta in her special panties!

I had suspected that it would happen soon, as she has been really showing major signs of PMS all week. Add to that the fact that Arnie has been more interested in her than is really legal for a mother and son, and it all was adding up!

On June 28 we will breed Greta and Bernie and around the 1st of September Greta should be having her litter of babies. Ah yes, the pitter patter of more little dackel feet!


Today I finally got the paper work from Germany that I needed to register the puppies with the AKC! Yippee!!! There was this long snafu due to a language barrier, but today my friend and the Breed Warden for my German Dackel Club helped me out and we got it all taken care of. I should have their papers here next week and then I will fill out each document and submit them to register the litter witht their names.

Our Breed Warden should be coming up to tattoo the puppies in the next two weeks as well. Their right ear will be tattooed with my kennel number and their puppy number. All my pups have green tattoos as Greta came with a green one and I have carried on the tradition.

Today was a great day here in New Hapshire. Lovely! So the pups spent most of the day outside. Sometimes running me around the yard and sometimes in their pen. All in all, a good day!

My 4th Blogaversary!

Just a little note to say that it’s my 4th blogaversary. I’d almost forgotten, what with all the excitement of the puppies! Four years. Wow, that went by fast! I started off wondering if anyone would ever read anything I wrote, and now I have made so many new friends, I am very grateful that I listened to my cousin, Janet and started “The Dackel Princess”.

