Oh My Aching Back! Part 2

Yes, my back is still bad. In fact I’m getting a little testy because, well, lack of sleep will do that to you. I seem to sleep for about 45 minutes then wake with the back pain, and then the cycle begins again.

Hubby stepped in today and told me to call the doctor. I’m sort of stubborn that way and until something totally stops working or falls off I tend not to go to the doctor’s office. However, after 5 days of little or no restful sleep, I decided he was right and I should go.

Hubby himself had back surgery years ago, so when he spoke to me about this, I really had to listen.

Meanwhile, I have four wonderful and skilled nurses.
Feb 7 017
Feb 7 020
Feb 11 004
And Anneliese
Feb 11 003

The pups not only are trying to nurse me back to health, but they are amusing me at the same time. Hubby has been wonderful helping me with various household and doggy chores, and I am trying to be as quiet as I can so I don’t make things any worse.

Hubby takes me in the morning, and I sure hope the doctor will have some good news for me, like “Ta-Da, you are well”! Now wouldn’t that be nice?


I had ordered two things from LL Bean on sale. A new shirt for Hubby and a berry pink fleece robe for me.


I was excited when I got a tracking number, letting me know that my package was on the way and would be delivered today.

Once again we have terrible weather. When I went out today to the hairdresser’s, I took the Jeep and there were a few times I did have to slip it into 4 wheel drive to get through the miserable snow/sleet/rain combination that fell all morning.

I checked my computer when I got home from being beautified, and saw that the package from LL Bean was still on it’s way! Great!

They are forecasting 6-8 inches of snow overnight tonight, so I asked Hubby if he thought it might be good to get our groceries today. After lunch we headed out to stock up.

We arrived home a couple of hours later, and I quickly put all the groceries away, fed the dogs, and made our dinner. We sat down to eat and once I got the dishes done I decided that perhaps I should check in to see where my “package” was.

The report from the delivery agency said that the “package” had been delivered to the mailbox. Now, we don’t have a mailbox so I knew this was bad.

I tore out of here in a flash, and drove up to the top of our driveway to see what was going on. There, tied to the tree next to the sign that says our name, was the “package”!

It was in a big plastic garbage bag, tied there in the drizzling rain. So I took it down and brought it home and opened the package. All was well, but I was still pretty angry about it.

So I Instant Messaged LL Bean and chatted with a Customer Service woman and explained it all to her, gave her the tracking number and was assured that if anything happened to my items they would have been replaced.

But that isn’t the point! The point is, it shouldn’t have been left there. It turned out okay this time, but what about the next?

I’ve had my say now and the people at LL Bean can do with my grievance what they want.

Meanwhile I am enjoying my new bathrobe, and the shirt is a perfect fit for Hubby!

Okay, Sometimes Life Is Weird

I don’t claim to be perfect. In fact if I ever used my name and the word ‘perfect’ in the same sentence my friends and family would all burst out laughing! But today I topped even some of my finest moments. Here’s how it went.

I woke up and grabbed my robe, silly medical boot and my rain boot and put them on. I hobbled from our bedroom into the family room. I had expected to see rain coming down, as the forecast from the night before said “RAIN”! This is what I saw:

Feb 5 014

In the end we had 9 inches of fresh, heavy snow!

I bundled myself up and walked the pups and came in and after the coffee was done, made breakfast for Hubby and myself. I mentioned that I’d take the Jeep today because I had a hairdressers appointment, but when Hubby looked outside and saw that it was starting to ice, he said he wanted to take me.

My appointment was for 10 o’clock, so about 9:15 we got the three dachshunds into their sweaters and got into the Jeep to go to the next town where my hair dresser has her salon.

It was such a pretty ride, and we got there just before the appointment. So we sat waiting for the salon to open. But no one came. Finally Hubby asked if I was sure my appointment was at 10. I opened my purse and took out my pocket calendar and looked. The appointment was for the next day at 10AM!

Silently, Hubby started the car and we began to drive home. I could tell by his silence that he was annoyed. I smiled weakly and said, “Well, look at the nice ride we had with the dachshunds, and we got to see the beauty of this snowy day!” I’m not sure he was thinking along those lines.

We stopped down town and picked up the mail. Today we did not have to work at finding a parking place as there were no other crazy people like me on the street. We also stopped at the dry cleaners and picked up Hubby’s suit, and the hardware store to show off the pups, before coming home.

Then Hubby got busy with his ancient, but mostly reliable snowblower, and worked over our 500 foot driveway.

Feb 5 001

Feb 5 010

I did redeem myself this evening though, while cooking dinner I was able to find the problem on Hubby’s computer and get it fixed for him.

I’m not usually such a space cadet, honestly.

Maybe it was the snow!

This & That

You’ve all heard by now, I’m sure. Yes, the New England Patriots lost the Super Bowl. It was the worst game I have seen them play in a very long time. I feel shocked and disappointed, but then I remind myself…it is, after all, a game.

So I did constructive things this morning instead of watching the news, or Regis & Kelly. (I did not want to hear anyone gloating about the loss!) I made my Curried Butternut Squash Soup, rearranged some furniture, did my usual in and out with the dogs and actually took Anneliese with me to the Post Office.

The soup came out really well, reminding me how much I love this recipe. So I decided to share it with you all. You can find it below this entry.

The diet continues to go well. I had measured my waist when I started Weight Watchers and I measured it again and I have lost an inch off of it. A whole inch!!!

In other news, Greta is still not in heat. I talk to her every day in fruitless attempts to encourage her to hurry up and do this. You see, she is so late now going into her heat that soon Anneliese will be due for her next heat.

Oh yeah, that would be a ton of fun. Two females in heat at one time.

I’ve decided that I should order some extra pants for the girls!

Does it get any better than that? HA!

Not What I Had Planned

I knew I wasn’t going to be able to keep up the incredible weight loss numbers I have been chalking up. I knew eventually it would come to an end.

This week I was probably not as conscientious as I have been, and it showed. I did not lose any weight. In fact I gained 1 pound. I was upset at first, but then I started to think about it and I decided that I am human.

It wasn’t that I cheated, I just made some poor choices in my snacking. Instead of fruit I had Weight Watcher snacks, which are okay, but not in the amount I was eating them.

So I am recommitting myself to the plan, and going forth tomorrow with a tremendous sense of renewed energy!

I can do this!

(It’s just going to take me an extra week!)

Hubby’s Coming Home!!!

Hubby is due home soon. I am so glad. We have all missed him. Why just this morning while I was talking to him on the phone the dogs surrounded me. They could hear his voice on the cell phone. So, he had to say hi to each of them. We started with Fritz, as he has missed him the most, then Arnie and Anneliese. Lastly Greta got her turn. I held the phone to her ear and he spoke to her, and she did the cutest thing…she talked back!!!

She made these little grumbling noises at him and I know she did it because she knew it was her Daddy! So very sweet.

The rest of my day was spent doing the vacuuming, a little writing, and a little cooking. I also made a wonderful fire in the hearth and I have enjoyed the warmth it has provided.

It’s so funny when your other half is gone and his place next to you is empty. I say it’s funny because for all those years while he was working and flying, I was quite used to this life. It actually took me time to get used to his retirement and his being home all the time. Now, I can’t imagine that life at all. I really love having him here.

I guess I am a romantic, or perhaps I think it’s a good thing to appreciate the people we have in our lives each and every day. Whatever, I do love sharing my life with Hubby and I hope we have many more years to enjoy each other.


It was just me and the fur kids today. Hubby is off to the funeral and I am here with the pups keeping the home fires burning. By burning I mean that I shoveled the patio off so I can once again walk the pups without slipping and sliding around. Fritz and Greta assisted me with this chore. Sadly, the puppies had to remain inside because they are not the best “helpers” when one is shoveling snow.

Once I was done, I brought Fritz and Greta in and did take the two young ones out for a run in the yard.

All this was done while I had my cell phone clipped to my belt waiting to hear from Hubby. He called from each airport he visited on his way to the funeral.

In some ways, waiting for his calls reminded me of when we were dating and first married and he was still flying all over the world. His calls were always the best parts of my days and like a teenager, made me feel special and sometimes silly. This was before cell phones were a normal part of a persons life and I had to wait by the phone at home.

Today while I waited to hear from him I:

Shoveled the patio
I walked the dogs
Went to the Post Office
Did laundry
Walked the dogs again
Watched a movie (The Queen, good movie!)
Fed the dogs
Cooked myself some French Onion Soup
Walked the dogs again

All while I waited with the cell phone clipped to my belt. The calls came and each one made me smile and filled me with that special feeling you get when you talk to the one you love, reminding me once again how lucky we are to have found each other all those years ago.


All day I had been nervous about going to my meeting. It’s normal. A woman of my age just can’t keep losing weight like this. I know eventually the day will come when I weigh in and haven’t lost an ounce. It’s just the way it goes.

So I went about my day telling myself that it was okay, and that if the worst happened and I didn’t lose anything, it didn’t matter. This isn’t a diet, this is a change in the way I am going to live my life, the way I cook my food and the portions that I eat.

I guess you could say that I had been giving myself a pep talk all day, so when I finished dinner and cleared the dishes, I put on my coat, kissed Hubby good-bye and bravely drove to my Weight Watchers meeting.

I was the first person to weigh in. I hopped up on the scale and closed my eyes.

“Well?” I asked.

“Oh I don’t have the scale turned on. Hop off and I’ll turn it on”.

So I did and again closed my eyes. (and held my breath!)

“Wow you did really good!” she said.

“How good?” I asked weakly.

2.4 pounds!!!

Relief flooded through me as I sat down to put my shoe and boot/cast back on my feet. I went and took a seat in the front row and spoke to other people who came to the meeting.

I felt good. I felt a part of the group for the first time, and tonight I will sleep well knowing that this program, this change in my life, really is working!

The Results Are In

Here are all the answers to the questions in my little quiz.

1. I have had four dachshunds as pets. Shubi, Greta, Arnie and Anneliese.

2 . My favorite food is Dark Chocolate. I would eat dark chocolate until it came out my ears if I could! LOL

3. My favorite vacation spot is any cruise ship. I love to cruise! I do love Cape Cod and Germany and England, but cruising really is so relaxing.

4. The name of my teenage pal is Emily.

5. Right now my favorite movie is “The Lake House“. I guess because it is very romantic, and because the movie is a great character study. Also the cinematography is beautiful!

6. I love to spend time on my computer best right now.

7. Thank God for my computer.

8. My eyes are deep dark chocolate brown!

9. My favorite musical group has been and always will be The Beatles!

10. And I will be 50 in November!

Goofy Girl
Burnt Offerings
All scored pretty well and in that order. Thanks for playing. I hope it was as much fun for you as it was for me!