TBT: Dogs We Have Loved

This weeks Throw Back Thursday features my beloved Shubi our first wirehaired dachshund, and our white shepherd, Max.

We brought Shubi home from Bavaria, Germany to Max when he was about 5 years old. He immediately adopted her, and the two were best friends.

Picture from 2002 343

The mighty Max!

Picture from 2002 2003 178   Me with Shubi in the motorcoach. She loved to travel, almost always in my lap!

Teeth, Dogs, & Winter

Big day today. I’m off to have a root canal and then after, go see my regular doctor. Usually I would not make an appointment like this. You know, back to back, but both are important.

Usually my mornings start with the dogs going crazy, but for some reason all the dogs have gone back to sleep! It’s probably the freezing temperature here…-17 degrees…and they probably figure that sleeping in is a better bet.

The three dackels did great at the Vet’s yesterday. The only two things was, Greta must be on a bit of a diet, as she has gained 3 pounds this year! Anneliese has high alkaline urine, so she is on Vitamin C to help her urine become more acidic and break up the crystals that have formed.

Driving to our Vets office and back I was able to see all the snow that had fallen over the winter. Her office is in the foothills of the White Mountains, and strangely, they have not gotten as much snow as we have.

Ah winter! I am so over you!!!

Lili & The Beasts

Today the enzyme powder for Lili arrived. We started her on it for lunch and dinner. She already seems a bit better.

You see, Lili’s pancreas doesn’t make the enzyme needed for her to digest her food. She has not gained weight like most dogs and has just been miserable due to tummy aches and gas.

It made her rather hard to be around because she was just frantic. Frantically hungry, and frantic to be loved.

I wasn’t sure what would become of this girl, but the new medcine gives me hope.

Aug 12 012

The dackels are getting used to her, and Arnie will even cuddle up with her from time to time. It just amazes me how tiny Lili still is. We will certainly have to work on that!

13 Reasons Having 4 Dogs Is Great!

Thirteen Reasons It’s Great To Have Four Good Dogs

1. One of them is always happy to see you come home.
2. If you are feverish and feel cold, you can pack the pooches around your body and get warm.
3. There are no leftovers!
4. You never have to dry your feet after a shower.
5. You never have to worry about someone breaking into your home.
6. You never have to worry that the Veterinarian will be unhappy to see you. ($$)
7. You can leave your keys in the car when you go to the Post Office and no one would dare steal your car! (Not with ever growing Lili sitting there with all her big teeth!)
8. Your life is always full with the care and feeding of the dogs.
9. You are helping to keep the vacuum cleaner bag makers in business.
10. You are also keeping the dog food makers in business as well!
11. At the end of a bad day, seeing their little faces looking up at you is wonderful.
12. Feeling puppy breath on your arm when they are asleep is so sweet.
13. Oh yes, puppy breath! The best!!!

Friday, Freezing, Fur

Today was make the puppers beautiful day. I started in the morning, combing, stripping and trimming their coats. One after another I put them on the counter and worked.

Hubby helped by stabilizing them, in between snow blowing and ice chipping in the yard. There is just so much snow, ice and yes, even wet under the snow out there! I am so ready for spring!!!

I’d let the little buggers go fur wise for a bit because it has been so darn cold. I felt they needed every last hair on their body. Even though today was bitterly cold, I’m thinking of springtime!

I do have little sweaters for the dackels, all washed and ready to be worn.

March 22 007

March 23 004

Hubby was great today and made a lovely fire in the fireplace and all three dogs have snuggled up with it after they came in.

The Ride To & From The Vets

Frost Heave
In. New England
A section of ruptured pavement caused by the expansion of freezing water immediately under the road. Also called regionally frost boil.

1. a deep hole; pit.
2.a hole formed in pavement, as by excessive use or by extremes of weather.
3.a more or less cylindrical hole formed in rock by the grinding action of the detrital material in eddying water.
4.a cave opening vertically from the ground surface.

A low area or hole in the ground that is formed especially when soil and rocks are removed by flowing water

Today was the day that I took all three dackels into the Vets for their yearly shots. Needless to say, with Lyme Disease all about us, I wanted to make sure they got their booster shots as well as their Rabies shots.Hubby was sweet and wanted to drive us and help me out with rotating one dog after another into see the Vet.

We took the main highway over and that wasn’t too bad, but when we turned off ity to drive the 8 miles into the Vet’s Office, we found some really bad Frost Heaves. Hubby handled them well, and we made it in okay, but I swear we all were a little bit shook up by the time we arrived.

The appointment went well, and soon we were on our way home. Hubby decided to take the shortest route, which is also known as “the back way”. Well, this was even worse as we not only had Frost Heaves, but Pot Holes! Now when I say “Pot Holes” I mean we came over a hill and there was a giant “Pot Hole” that verged on a “Sink Hole“.

Hubby jammed on his brakes and veered off to the left, thus saving us from the hole and scaring both me and the dackels! However he did save our lives and I am grateful.

Due to the fact that we had to drive home slowly on these terrible back roads, I did not get back in time to make Chinese food. That was moved to Tuesday, and on Monday I simply made Fondue.

I think I am still recovering from Pot Hole & Frost Heave & Sink Hole Hell!

My Weekend

Did you ever have one of those lifetimes? I kid you not. The last few days have been kind of rough from a bump and bang point of view.

The other day I bashed my index toe on my left foot and split the nail in half. OMG the pain on that was pretty bad. But, I cleaned it up and wrapped it in a dressing and have been wearing my sandals around the house. This morning I can actually say that it looks good.

Then tonight I was loading the dishwasher and when I opened the door it popped back up at me catching the nail on my right index finger and jamming it into my nail bed. The pain and the blood were not good. But since my husband is sort of sick of my disasters, I just went in and cleaned up the finger and wrapped it up. But I gotta tell you, this also hurts like heck.

I sort of wonder if these accidents are because I am so worried about the Lyme Disease. I know I am distracted, but darn, that silly dishwasher just has it in for me!

Today I take the three dackels in for their yearly shots. The girls always do well, but I worry a little bit for Arnie as he tends to have a little reaction each time he has his rabies shot. I’ll have to mention this to the Vet.

Lastly, I got all our laundry done yesterday, but when I was cleaning the lint trap I noticed a screw was missing from the holder. I searched and searched and could not find it. I was really worried. But this morning while folding up a pile of rags I found the screw twisted in the loose strings of one of the rags. Yay! I immediately took it down and put it back in the machine!!!

Sweet Wolf

My cousin’s little Shiba Inu doggy, Wolf was diagnosed with a ruptured cruciate ligament. He’s 13 years old and the Vet has recommended using pain medication over surgery. Poor baby. He is such a sweetie. Janet’s late dog Max is the reddish dog on the left, and Wolf is on the right. I’ve always thought Wolf looked exotic.


(Thank you to my cousin, Janet for the wonderful picture!)

I wish I could take away his pain. Since I can’t I will ask you all to send good vibes to Wolf. I know how much my cousin loves him, and I know she will give him a good life even with this condition. She is a good doggy Mommy and her husband is an awesome doggy Daddy.

The Dackels & Savannah

Friday was Dackel Shower Day! I got all three in with me and we all soaped up, rinsed off and then dried off. Last night in bed I was cuddled off to all three of then and I could smell “dogginess”. So I know that no matter what I did, Friday would be bath day for them.

Our shower is actually perfect for it. It’s a large walk in with a corner seat. So I got in with them and one by one, they got done.

Hubby was waiting out in the bathroom with towels and he took them as I got them done. He fluffed and dried and then closed them out of our bedroom.

It didn’t take long, and soon they were all fluffy and smelling sweet. Tomorrow we will strip their coats and get them looking like proper wire haired dackels once again.

I didn’t feel like cooking too much, and I did have a lot of left overs, so one by one I put them into a pot and for dinner we had beef stew.

Savannah has discovered the joys of painting! Mandy sent me two pictures today showing me how Savannah paints. They cracked me up! But I was also amazed at how fast her hair is growing!



She is a real talent! Yes?

I’ll be going down next week to see her and Mandy. Oh, how I have missed them. Last year, I went every other week to see them, but this year it has been very tough.