Over The Wall

I knew they were growing quickly. It seems each morning when I wake up, they are bigger, stronger and doing more. So why should I be surprised that they would want more than life in the whelping box.

Yes, it was, in fact, Anja who made the vault over the wall. So, today we removed the mattress, opened the whelping box and spread the newspapers out in the room. We have also built another wooden wall that Greta can get over, but the pups do not seem interested in at this time.

Jan 13 003

Jan 13 005

The pups love the space and have a ball running around, rolling around and climbing on their new beds and toys and blankets. Oh yes, and there is a lot to chew on too! How good is that?


Last night Greta actually slept with us most of the night. I loved that. I have missed her warm body next to mine when I sleep. I wonder if she will sleep with us again tonight now that her babies are somewhat footloose and fancy free?


Keep your fingers crossed that the weather will cooperate tomorrow. I am hosting a blogger’s reunion here in the afternoon with a special guest. Goofy Girl!

I can hardly wait. Naturally pictures and possibly a video will be provided!

Puppy Progress Report

The pups were playing a lot today. Sometimes they get a little wild and Greta steps in and in a very sweet, yet firm way, she lets them know that they must calm down. It’s really an amazing thing to watch. I’ve known that it was important for pups to stay with their Mom’s for more than the 8 weeks that many breeders keep them, and now I am seeing first hand all the little things that Mother Doggies teach their young, and Greta is an amazing Mom!

The pups spend a lot more time awake now too. They love to run around the box and roll and they are even starting to know that there is life beyond the walls of the box. Several of them are now attempting to escape so I think we will need to redesign the set up in there so we don’t end up with any little escapees.

Jan 11 014
Jan 11 004

They’re eating now too. I feed them three little meals a day. When I say little I mean very small. Each pup probably eats about a teaspoon right now at each meal. The important thing is that they are learning to eat.

Jan 11 003

Life with the puppies! It just keeps getting better and better!

Finding Love

Today we had visitors come to look at the pups. Paul and his daughter, Stephanie. We talked about dogs for a long time until they decided that Anya would fit best with their family. While we were talking Anya fell asleep in Stephanie’s arms. It was so cute. I explained the naming system for the pups, and they said they liked her name, but wondered if they could have the German spelling for it. So as of today Anya becomes Anja! Here is Anja with her new family, Stephanie!

Jan 10 002

Best of all, Anja will live about 5 miles down the road from us! I hope this means that I will be able to see my grand puppy from time to time!

My Puppies

A stranger called me tonight and wants to buy one of my babies!

I talked to him for a long time. He seemed nice, lives in the next town, would allow me to visit, and best of all he wants to do tracking work and field work with the pup.

However, it suddenly hit me. My beautiful, sweet babies are going to be “sold” (doesn’t that word sound harsh?), to strangers and leave me! They won’t just be jumping up on my bed with me and cuddling down and staying here forever.

Now, I knew all along that this was the case. I told myself, I would not get attached!, but I have. I go in there and I pick each one of them up and they kiss my face. Today I sat next to the whelping box and all of the puppies came running over to where I was sitting! It was the cutest thing!!!

The puppies are also eating now. That is really funny to watch. They pushed their noses into the dish at first, but quickly got around to licking. Just too cute!

Oh how I am enjoying this! My wonderful Greta and my wonderful babies!!!!

At least I don’t have to say good bye tomorrow.

I’m A Hottie!

I rolled over at 7:30 and tried not to wake up. Since I began this “get in shape” routine, last week, I have worked out every day but Sunday. I am getting good results already, but the feeling of being overwhelmingly exhausted has not left me. I also find that lifting my legs to walk up the stairs is a real ordeal. Okay, maybe it’s too soon to say that the results are good.

As I sat in the ladies locker room at the health club, after my shower this morning, I felt a sudden rush of heat. Yes, there is nothing more delightful than a hot flash after a hard workout and shower.

That was when I laughed.

Yes, I think I have lost my mind. Suddenly hot flashes seemed extraordinarily humorous to me. You see, I spent most all of my life feeling cold. My brother in-law once teased me about wearing knee socks in the summer, but quite honestly I needed them. I was also the woman who has slept next to Hubby all these years in the summer, when he is completely naked and sweating and there I lie in flannel pajamas, socks and a comforter! So this new body change, called a “hot flash” is a real hoot.

hot flashes

I’m not claiming that suddenly I am like 99.9% of the population in the world. I still have cold feet, and I still wear flannel to bed. It’s just that I have these moments when I feel as if I have run a marathon on a hot summer day and my face is red and the sweat is pouring off my brow.

They bothered me at first and then one day, I realized that these “hot flashes” actually crack me up! I mean this is definitely a great example of the good Lord having a sense of humor! And…..that the good Lord is a man!

4 Weeks Old!

Can you believe it? The babies are 4 weeks old now! I sat by their box today watching them play with each other and walk around the box. They’re still wobbly, but they are also getting stronger every day, and they are starting to bark like real doggies!

My little babies were treated to company today as their Auntie Janet and Auntie Loo came to visit. It was so much fun playing with the puppies, listening to them bark and snuggling with them. Of course I had to check their pockets when they left to make sure they hadn’t tried to sneak out any of my little ones!

Jan 7 024

So here are a few pictures of the puppies from today. I gave them their first puppy toys and they absolutely loved them!

Jan 7 Angelika

Jan 7 Anya

This is going waaaaay too fast!

A Little Gruel, Anyone?

It’s another big day here at Puppy Central. The babies are now 4 weeks old, walking, barking and starting to eat a little on their very own.

I put Mommy Greta outside today in the unseasonably warm weather and tossed a ball for her to play with. She was happy to be out and away from the babies for a while. Once she was occupied, I got out a can of puppy milk and a box of cereal and mixes a light gruel in a shallow dish.

I brought it into the puppy box and put it down. They all stared at the dish and then up at me. I could see the confusion in their eyes. I took Angelika first and brought her over and lightly touched her mouth to the gruel.

Jan 6 003

She started to lick at it. Arnie came over and he licked some up as well, then Anita. Anya and Anneliese were a bit more cautious, but they all tried it and appeared to like it.

Jan 6 005

Jan 6 001

It was fun to watch them try something new. It made me think back to the last time I tried something totally new. How had I reacted? These guys were just wonderful in their attempts at eating!

So here we are at 4 weeks old. They each have their own personality now, and they all look different. Of course Arnie is the easiest to recognize, as he is the only boy. Angelika, at 3 pounds, is the largest, and she also has the harshest coat so far. She is so sweet. Anya, has the shortest coat and is truly a wonderful little pup. She will make some lucky family a wonderful companion. Now here is the tough part. Anita and Anneliese are both exceptional. They are also fairly close in size, head shape and coloring. They are both fabulous and I’m having a tough time deciding which baby to keep!

I will tell you that Anita will come over to me when she hears my voice, and I think I have seen her kissing up to Hubby, as I think this is his favorite, as well.

I know from here on out, there will be more work, more feeding and yes, more playing! Woo-hoo!