This and That

It was a banner day in our house! I had gotten a coupon in the mail from “Jockey” for $20.00! Now Hubby is not one to scoff at a twenty dollar bill, so off we went to the local “Jockey Outlet”. I had a good idea what I wanted. Yes, what most girls want and almost always need. New underwear! I looked around, found the best sale ones I could find, that just happened to be covered with a pink rose pattern, two ladies T-shirts, and Hubby got his tall mans v-neck T-shirts. The total price of this was $5.25 after we used the coupon! Not too bad.
I needed to get canned dog food and a few other items at Wal-mart, and after assembling my order I saw the 20 items or less isle and headed for that. I was putting my items up on the counter when this man behind me began talking loudly about this being a 20 item or less isle and how “some people don’t follow the rules”! I ticked the items off in my head again and saw I had exactly 20 items! So I turned and smiled at this mathematical midget and finished my order!
We stopped and got gas at $2.22 a gallon at BJ’s Warehouse. Not bad as everywhere else seemed to be $2.33 or more.
Shubi is eating pretty well. I’m still giving her chicken and rice, but I also cooked an egg and she ate that right up. Still, she does not want any dry food or her dog cookies, and she mostly lies around sleeping.

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I still have a fever. But it is only 99.6 (f). I feel pretty lousy but as I have no plans for today I will just hang out.
As I mentioned yesterday I’ve been following my laptop from China. I saw on the FedEx tracker that it is on it’s way to New Hampshire, and supposed to be delivered later today! Once it arrives I’ll be busy getting it all set up. What fun!!

Cough, Cough

I woke up yesterday and my throat was feeling sore. All I could think was, No Way! I simply can’t be sick. I took my temperature, 100. (F) and so I planned to take some aspirin and just lay low. It was not to be. Just as I settled down to watch Regis and Kelly, Hubby starts looking for some paperwork, convinced I have somehow misplaced it.
Now in all fairness, I have previously been guilty of such crimes, but in this case, I knew quite certainly, that I hadn’t touched the papers in question. Of course, this did not get me off the hook. As Hubby is laid up with his knee, I was the chief searcher for his mission of “find the papers”. I looked in all the usual places that one stashes papers, but they weren’t there. After over half an hour of searching, I asked if he could have put them away? Of course not!
Still, I figured it was time to go into the closet and see if they were in the document binders. He was so sure they were not there. Imagine his shock when the papers were located there?
I was hoping this would end my duties, but no. Hubby was not going to let me rest. It was then that the issue of my poor filing system came into play.
Now I admit, I hate to file. I put off this task until the file box is so full that the papers are falling on the floor and I need to do some penance for some other sin. But I really didn’t feel like doing it yesterday.
After much arguing discussion, I started filing at 1 o’clock and didn’t finish until nearly three. All I wanted was a hot cup of tea and to sit.
I checked e-mail, answered a phone call and then wham, time to cook dinner.
By the time dinner ended I was having chills. I wrapped up in an afghan, which didn’t work. I broke out the heavy comforter and wrapped up in that, two pairs of socks, my pajamas, a sweatshirt and bathrobe, and sat doing nothing while I watched tv.
This morning my temperature is down to 99.6 (F) but I still feel crummy. I can’t lie around today either as I need to go to the grocery store and resupply.
One piece of really good news is, that I got a message from FedEx that my laptop is en-route. I got a tracking number and I have been following it from Shanghai, China, to Anchorage Alaska, to Indianapolis, IN. I expect it to be here in another two days.
Hubby is gifting me with a new machine since my current laptop is slowly dying of incurable memory failure! So despite the fact that he made me file yesterday when I was feverish, I still think he is wonderful! lol!

What’s So Funny?

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This was how Greta slept during the Super Bowl!

I love watching the Super Bowl. No, I’m not really a big football fan, but I just love the commercials! While the game is on, I tend to do things like wash the dishes, walk the dogs, or even type on my blog. But once the action stops and the commercials come on, I stop and pay strict attention!
You had to love Harrison Ford reading Dr. Suess type prose about winning and football. One must wonder if he’s been practicing on Calista Flockharts little boy, Liam.
The funny commercials so far have been The Fed-Ex ad with the two cavemen, and I also liked the Disney commercial with all the football players practicing their MVP answer to what they are going to do now that they have won the Super Bowl? “I’m going to Disney World!”
The Fabio add was hysterical.
Hugh Heffner’s ad for Desperate Housewives was also a hoot. One must wonder what Heff offers those gorgeous gals so that they hang all over him at his age? I know. The ability to print their naked pictures in his magazine. Gotta tell you, that wouldn’t do it for me!
I’m not too thrilled with the Pepsi ads or the adds either. They are just kind of creepy.
I keep waiting for the commercial to end all commercials, but so far they just haven’t done it for me. I mean, the Jessica Simpson ad for Pizza Hut with the young teen boy fainting in ecstasy at her mere closeness, was cute, but not one I would nominate for the Commercial Hall of Fame.

The Rolling Stones performed one of my least favorite songs, “Start Me Up” at halftime. Come on, these are the most uninspired lyrics of my generation! The only good thing was that it looks like Mick has finally found a good hair colorist. The gray is gone and it doesn’t look too fake. But Keith Richards? My Lord! The man looks positively like a walking corpse! They all look like they could use a good meal.
Sorry if you are an avid Stones Fan. They just don’t do it for me either.

My hearty congratulations to The Pittsburg Steeler’s and their fans! They played one heck of a game!

Shubi is Home

Well, our girl is home. Shubi started to eat for our Vet late Saturday night and then ate a little more on Sunday morning. So he felt she could come home. I boiled chicken and made plain white rice and this will be what she eats for the next few days.
She does seem hungry, which is a very good thing, but we know with kidney failure that can all change quite rapidly. We choose to hold good thoughts that Shubi will continue to eat and at least stabilize.
So, she is doing okay, and my big plan for this Super Bowl Sunday is to sit and cuddle with my girl and enjoy her!

Come On Springtime!!!

Yesterday I was sitting watching the weather while I drank a nice cup of coffee.
The forecast was for rain last night and rain for today.
I looked out on the drive and saw all the ice that was still buggering things up. Since our driveway is 500 feet and points down to our house, I knew I had my work cut out for me.
I got Greta and Fritzi and their toy balls, and I got out my scraping shovel, and out we went.
I did the upper part of the drive first, scraping the ice completely off to the sides. I worked all the way down to the larger turn around area near the house, then took a break to have lunch and catch my breath. Once I’d done that, it was back out with the doggies and their toys to finish the job.
I worked for a total of about 2 hours and got the entire drive cleared, which is a very good thing. The rain started last night after dinner, and it has just poured and poured ever since. What a mess it would have been with all that ice. Sort of like what the Titanic saw before it sank with all those icebergs!
Many of you may be lamenting the fact that we are having rain instead of snow. Not me. Even though you all know I am an avid snow skier, my heart just isn’t in it now. I would be very happy with an early spring.
I guess that I just miss Hubby when I ski and if I can’t share it with him, well I’d rather be smelling the spring flowers. So let’s all get together and plead my case to Mother Nature!
My desire for an early spring could also be because I am now stuck shoveling the snow here. And my shoulders and back just can’t take much more.
Come on Springtime!!!

Today’s Medical Update!

Shubi hasn’t been feeling too well this week. I had her in to see the Veterinarian on Thursday and he took blood to see what was going on. Since Shubi’s big illness two years ago, she has had some minor problems caused by the chemotherapy and massive doses of Prednisone that she took to recover. However, at Shubi’s appointment on Thursday she had lost nearly a pound and I spoke of my concern that she just wasn’t eating.
Shubi’s back was bothering her some, and he gave me some muscle relaxants for that, and we left awaiting the blood test results.
Those came in yesterday, and they weren’t good. My little girl is having kidney failure. To what extent they are failing, I am not sure, but he wanted her to come in and spend the night hooked up to I.V.’s to help get her system back in balance.
Today, I hope she will come home and when I pick her up I need to have a long, serious talk with him about exactly where on the kidney failure chart our girl is.
Our friends in Australia called and gave us the name of a natural supplement that they use on their dachshund, who also has kidney problems. I will bring the information we found on the Internet with me and ask about that


Hubby got a call yesterday from his Orthopedic Surgeon’s Office. His surgery has been scheduled for March 8th. In the meantime he needs to have a physical and we need to prepare for this big event. We hope that the surgery will be straight forward. Go in, remove the cysts that are on the fibula and tibia, repair the artificial knee that is already in place and close. However, there could be complications. We are just hoping for the best.

I thought I would be happy with yesterday’s heavy rain. You don’t have to shovel rain, right? Wrong! What happened is that it soaked the snow that was left in the driveway, and made the most horrible slushy, slop! I knew the night would bring freezing temperatures and so it had to be moved. I worked like an animal out there, in the rain, and I got most of it moved or broken up. I felt quite proud. Despite my best efforts out there, we now have some black ice and some crunchy clumps.

Okay, I’m ready for winter to be over this year!


So that is the latest from the mountains of New Hampshire!!!


Ger·man·o·phile (jər-măn’ə-fīl’)
One who admires Germany, its people, and its culture.

This is me. I am a Germanophile. Originally I thought maybe the word for this was Germophile, but upon looking it up in the dictionary I learned that I am not afraid of germs. I love Germany, the people, the culture and especially the food and beer!
My Grandfather was German. He was born in Mülheim an der Ruhr, and came to this country when he was about 8 years old. Consequently, I was raised with all the German traditions, and best of all, the food!
Although my Grandmother wasn’t German, she learned to cook all Papa’s favorites from his sisters. It was always a good day when Grandma was cooking Sauer Braten! My favorite, and the favorite of most of the family.
When I married Hubby, he made a dream of mine come true and I was able to travel to Germany. From the moment my feet touched German soil, I knew I’d come home.
We traveled all over the country and I grew to love Bavaria for it’s lush countryside and beautiful mountains and Berlin for all the history that is held there. I feel as though everything there is familiar.
Now this is quite odd because I don’t speak much German. I know a few words, a few sayings, but I am really not a linguist. I am just barely fluent in English! Ha Ha!! I think it’s the atmosphere. I just feel a part of it.
Of course this is also where my best friend, Uschi lives, and where my two dachshunds are from. So when I leave Germany I leave a part of my heart with my friend, Uschi and here at home, I have part of Germany with me, in my girls, Shubi, from Bavaria and Greta, from Rheden, which is more in the northwest.
I’ve learned to cook many of my favorite German meals, and lucky for me I am married to a man who loves German food and Germany almost as much as I do.
Hubby is much better with languages and he can speak German pretty well. When we are there, and I listen to him speak with people in German, I am so proud of him.
A week ago Hubby ordered his favorite bread from a bakery in Canada that specializes in German bread. The “Bauernbrot” arrived yesterday at the same time that my box of German delicacies arrived from an importer in New York!

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As we rifled through our boxes of goodies I had to laugh. How alike Hubby and I are in our love for Germany, and it’s wonderful foods.
Two Germanophiles happily married and living in New Hampshire!

Miracle Soup

It’s called Miracle Soup because it’s so Easy!

2-3 Cans fat free Chicken Broth
1-1 1/2 Pounds ground turkey
1 TBS. Salt
1 TBS. Parsley
1 TBS. Basil
1 TBS. Chopped Garlic
1 Cup each:
Green Pepper
Sliced Carrots
1/3 cup uncooked barley
1 can French style Green Beans
1-2 cans red Kidney Beans
1-2 cans Italian Stewed Tomatoes

In large soup kettle sauté garlic with small amount of oil. Add
turkey and brown. Add broth, salt, parsley, basil, onion, green pepper,
celery, carrots, barley, and a dash of pepper and the stewed tomatoes.
Simmer slowly about an hour or until vegetables are done. Add green beans
and kidney beans and heat another 15 minutes. Thicken gravy with flour, if desired,
serve with a garden salad and hot crusty bread. This recipe also freezes

Note: Add any other vegetable that you might like. I like red peppers.