Meg’s Questions du Jour

Megan always posts some great questions on Fridays!

What are you looking forward to? My friend , Gail coming to visit on Thursday!!

What did you have for breakfast this morning?
Two eggs, tomato juice, coffee.

When was the last time you…

– had a job interview?
– cleaned your house? Today
– ate chocolate? too long ago…

What is your favorite brand of …

– soda coke, the new one with splenda
– shoes softspots
– clothing LL Bean
– chocolate Any sort of dark chocolate.
– makeup Clinique

What do you like best about blogging? I feel less alone.

What are your plans for the weekend? Cleaning and getting ready for my friends visit.

Panty Princess

Last December, Greta had her first heat. It meant three weeks of keeping little panties on her, and keeping her safe from any neighborhood rogues. Since Greta likes her panties, (chastity belt!) it’s not really too tough to get through this time. We also live in a fairly good neighborhood, so most of the boys have had their little operations.
You count ahead six months and thats when the next heat will happen. Okay, I was ready in early June for this blessed event. I had purchased the pads, and prepared. Nothing! End of June. Nothing. Beginning of July, I started talking to her, asking her where she’d been sneaking off to, who she’d been with, why she wasn’t getting her period! Was she on the pill?
Tonight I saw a small spot. I checked and finally, finally after 7 1/2 months she is in heat again!
Now we have three weeks of pads and panties! Oh woop-di-doo!
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The Little Dackel Princess

Today Greta and I went for our usual walk. I say usual, because I am truly trying to make walking a daily routine.
In any case, Greta loves this. She prances around sniffing here and there, and should we happen upon a “person” she goes into her sweet, cute and charming mode. Today was a perfect example.
Mar 30 003.jpg
We always stop at the Masonic Temple steps to have water on our way to the Post Office. I have a great flexi dish for Greta and I just wing it sipping on a plastic bottle! While we sat lapping up our water, a woman came by and went crazy over Greta.
“Oh, she is so cute! What kind of dog is she? Isn’t she the sweetest?”
And of course Greta lies on the ground rolls over and offers up her tummy for a pat or two!

Continue reading “The Little Dackel Princess”

My New Iron

I hate to iron. Doesn’t just about any sane person on the face of the earth? Remember, I said sane! However, in life there are those things that need to be pressed because no matter how quickly you get to the dryer, they are a wrinkled mess anyway. Hubby has several of those shirts, (I plan to burn them!) but I also have a few. (bon fire?) Anyhow, my old iron died. I mean it just spit out every last drop of water on the shirt I was ironing and wouldn’t heat up again. So off to Walmart I went.
Now I didn’t want to spend a fortune. I mean why do that when you aren’t going to use it a lot?
So I looked, read labels, checked prices, and picked out one because I liked the color. Okay, I know that doesn’t make sense, but it’s blue a pretty sky blue and that’s my favorite color, so I brought it home.
I love this iron! It’s a Sunbeam and it heat’s up well and has a surge of steam that takes out a crease easily and my ironing time has gone down.
I just finished 6 shirts in record time and what did I do? I looked to see if there was anything else to iron!
Pathetic really.

Harry Potter

Okay, I got my copy of the new Harry Potter book yesterday! I was so happy, like a little kid! Hubby tried not to be seen with me as I walked proudly from the store waving my copy of the book over my head!
I started to read it last night, and demanded silence in the family room. Hubby thinks I have lost my mind. He just doesn’t know…
I read two chapters and then…my vision doubled and my eye began to ache! Stupid eye! I got so mad at myself I wanted to punch myself in my eye! Instead, I put my medication in the eye, patched it and went to sleep.
Now I have to do a few things like make breakfast, shower, and go for my walk and at least start the laundry before I can hunker down and read some more.

Shubi Worries *** Updated

I just brought Shubi home after her ultra sound and test. Seems she has a bit of Pancreatitis, as well as the infection. She is now on antibiotics again, and a drug that is a pancreatic enzyme. Was she happy to see me when I arrived! But I don’t think she was half as happy as I was to see her!!!
I’m hoping this will do the trick, but I worry so much because it seems all of these problems are a side effect of the chemo and it seems she has to deal with one thing after another.


I cannot seem to keep this little doggie on her feet. One day I think her tummy is doing better, the next she is right back to square one.
Shubi woke me up again in the night with her tummy problems. And again this morning, she was still sick. So, I brought some “samples” to the Vet and sure enough, she still has an infection. But more problematic, is that she is not digesting her food. In just over three weeks this little dog has lost just over a pound. That’s a lot when you only weigh like 21 pounds anyway, (she is now down to 20 pounds).
They’re ultra sounding her pancreas and stomach. She could be having an acute case of pancreatitis, or have a blockage of some sort, but whatever, her body is not digesting the food and we need to find out why not.
So I am waiting for the phone to ring. That’s the hardest time, isn’t it? The not knowing and the waiting for news time.

Swimming in the Rain

We went over to the local park and did the long hike. The humidity is unreal. Like thick heavy soup! But we did the hike and the dogs just loved it. When we got to the little lake, they all jumped in. Only now, Greta was the first one at the lake’s edge. She really loves being in the water!
Just as we got to the lake it started to rain. Since the dogs were already wet and Hubby and I were already soaked from the humidity, we thought, what the heck. We stayed and let the dogs have a good long swim.
Here are some pictures of our swim team! Shubi, Fritz and Greta!
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Goodbye Cherry…

I could feel it yesterday in my shorts. I could feel it in the tub when I took my bath. I weighed in and found an extra 3 pounds this morning! And I have Cherry Garcia to thank.
I can still feel his sweet kiss on my lips and the way his mere presence soothed my burning soul. He kept me wanting more and more until…
So today I say goodbye to Cherry for a while. The surest way I know to stay on my diet and lose this weight is to tell Hubby, (and I have). He will watch me like a hawk and thus keep me on the straight and narrow.
We leave in a few moments to go to the park. We’re doing the long hike today a 2 mile one. I’m taking the camera too, so I can hopefully get some shots of the doggies in the water.


This morning when I woke up I felt stiff, and headachy and quite miserable. Everything inside of me cried out to return to the golden slumber of moments before. Unfortunately Shubi, Fritz and Greta, not to mention Hubby had seen the eyes open and knew I was awake, so feigning sleep was a lost cause.
I’ve decided that sleeping late just isn’t going to happen to me again in this life time. The latest I sleep is maybe, maybe 7:30 on a dark and cloudy day. Most of the time, I am up at 6. This inability to sleep late is, no doubt, my grandmother’s pay back. As a teen I would sleep half the day away and drive her wild. She would promise me that the day would come when I would be up with the birds!
I had two children who were great sleepers, so I thought I’d somehow missed Grandma’s curse, but no. Here I am, 46 years old, children grown and gone, and now my dogs get me up or, and this is the worst part of all, I WAKE UP ALL BY MYSELF!
Life is cruel!
After breakfast, I talked to myself about my commitment to my walking. It was already in the upper 70’s with high humidity. Did I really want to go out walking? Well, no. But I did. I got Greta’s harness on and leash and off we went. We walked around our neighborhood, just over a mile. It was quiet on this Sunday morning, (sane people were still in bed and still asleep!) and we saw only one other person on our walk. Our neighbor, Frank. At 87 he shows no signs of slowing down. He was out mowing his lawn and doing some gardening. He’s amazing.
We came back to the house and watched The British Open, while I made a lunch of mixed chef salads. Tiger Woods is amazing!
My next project is making a file box for my stash of greeting cards. I LOVE to send cards to people and so I tend to pick them up when I see the right card for whomever. But I need a place to file these for easy retrieval. I’ve got a great cardboard box and some vinyl adhesive paper. I think I can do a fair job. I’ll post a picture when it’s done.

It’s done. July 17 001.jpg