My Life Right Now

I usually post a Friday Five each week, but this darn COVID has taken control of me, and although I am not contagious, it has settled in my chest, and I have been running a fever and coughing.

Yesterday, I was forced to do a load of whites, as I was down to my last pair of underwear. Miraculously, I got that done.

However, being sick and trying to manage the stairs to the basement have been a challenge. I have decided to do a remodel. I have a huge master bath, and I plan to remove the jacuzzi tub and put a washer and dryer in that room, along with the sinks and walk-in shower.

So, slowly, I recover with wonderfully warm and peaceful naps with my girls.



The Friday Five ~ Jan 26th

I’ve spent the last week lying here in the recliner, cooking. Until today, I have had a fever and felt pretty rotten. Covid is not fun!


But I think the worst is over. I will test on Sunday; hopefully, the test will be negative.

  1. Due to the high fever, all I have done is sleep. I have gotten no laundry done, and I am behind on everything.
  2. Have I mentioned I am going on another trip in May? I am going to England and will spend time with my daughter (step). It’s been so long since I saw her, and I am so excited!
  3. I hope I can at least start some laundry. I returned from my vacation, dropped my bags, sat down, and nothing got done.
  4. I’m still enjoying the Christmas decorations, but I have no desire. Soon.
  5. Both of the puppy girls are taking great care of me. I am a lucky Mama!


The Bermuda Triangle ~ AKA My Life

I must tell you that I had a good time on the cruise: sunny skies and temperatures near 80. I felt good, and although I had three excursions canceled, there was always something to do. When in Port, I spent most days walking on the shore.

My health was good, and I felt strong. Then, the 14th arrived, and I was told I should be ready to ‘disembark’ by 8 AM.

I grabbed an English muffin, and I headed to grab a taxi. Miami has changed. I recalled all the time I spent there. Jack and all our Pan Am pilot group.

Eventually, our plane was ready to load. The announcement offered a preboard for those who are disabled and might need extra time.

I got up and went to the gate, and the Agent looked me over and said: I said for people who are disabled. I need that extra time. And she said the magic words that anger everyone, “I can’t see anything wrong with you.”

I stopped myself before reaching out and bitting the hand, trying to push me away. I turned and showed her the scar. I hoped that would be enough as I didn’t want to play the “How Disabled Are You?” game.

I settled in my seat and got settled.

Our plane to Boston was packed, and right after take off, I swear, everyone began to cough. Not quiet coughs, but loud, full hacking coughs. I prayed I would be okay.

Since I found that my life is one Bermuda triangle after another, I felt very wiped out three days after I returned. Sleeping, coughing, and then chills.  But by Wednesday, I felt so ill I sat down with my Covid tests and took them. Both tests were very positive.

2024-01-17-10-31-24-617So, here I sit under several blankets, sipping ginger ale. My fever is down. My cough is almost under control.

But now, it is time for me to take another nap. Here in my personal Bermuda Triangle!

The Friday Five January Ninetieth

  1. I flew from Boston the night before I was to leave on the cruise. I did this because I didn’t want to take the chance of missing my cruise. I had a reservation at the Yotel Motel near the Miami Cruise Port. The room was lovely, and it had a movable bed. It was then I decided that a full-motion bed was for me.
  2. I had a simple breakfast in the morning and then took a cab to the ship. At noon, I was escorted onto the boat and shown my cabin.


3. I flew from Boston the night before I was to leave on the cruise. I did this because I didn’t want to take the chance of missing my cruise. I had a reservation at the Yotel Motel near the Miami Cruise Port. The room was lovely, and it had a movable bed. It was then I decided that a full-motion bed was for me.

4. I was apprehensive that a lower cabin would provide too much motion, and I might feel sick. I used an over-the-counter medication called Meclizine, which I sometimes use for dizziness. I used that, and I was fine.

That evening, I went to the formal dining room and asked if there was a space for a singleton like me. A group was quickly found at that table for the remainder of the cruise when I was in the formal dining room.



I arrived home close to 10:00 last night. It was a very long day. I was told to be off the ship by 8:00, so I was up, showered at 4:00, had breakfast, and said my goodbyes to the lovely people caring for me during the trip. My cabin Steward and one woman who helped to ensure I had everything I needed were the ones I said goodbye to, which included hugs.

I also saw the young couple with whom I had taken the full tour of St. Maarten.

The flight home was lumpy and bumpy as there were the tail bits of a weather front that we flew through.

Boston was freezing, but I had a warm coat, hat, and gloves. I boarded the bus, and in no time, I reached Concord, NH, where the Highlander was parked. All I did not have was an ice scraper and a snowbrush.

I dug the car out, and today, one of the first items I bought was a snowbrush and ice scraper. They are now in the Highlander!

I went out and bought some groceries on Monday, came home, and took a long winter’s nap with Heidi. Now, I need to work on getting into a schedule to get all my work caught up.

That’s all for today. I will look back in the coming days and tell you more about my time at sea.


Just Floating Around

Dear Ones,

In the event you think I have dropped off the face of the world, I can  assure you that no, I am  still here, just in the middle of the ocean.

Life has slowed down dramatically,  and finally I can sleep normally again.

I have met nice people, and strange people and some who you just wonder how the heck they ever got together in the first place.

I watch and study, feeling rather removed from it all. Continue reading “Just Floating Around”

The Friday Five ~ December 22nd


So, this week flew by, although I did not get much done. I want to, but there are times I feel frozen. So, here we go.

  1. I believe I have mentioned my trips to our local diner. “George’s”. I love it.  I go in, people know me, and I smile. The other day, I’d finished my meal, and I was getting up to leave when I knocked over my water. We all mopped it up, and off I went.
  2. I did not feel like making lunch the next day, so I went to “George’s” for lunch. As I entered, the waitress said in a joking voice…”Don’t give her any water! She’s a spiller! We all laughed, and I smiled. “George’s” has become my “Cheers.”
  3. I have begun thinking about my cruise, and so help me, we’d better not have a hurricane that sends my ship to Boston.
  4. My goal today is to clear off the bed in my bedroom. I have slept in my recliner since I brought Heidi home (3 years). After the first of the year, I plan to buy an adjustable bed.
  5. My trip. Let us all pray for nice, warm, and dry weather!

Screenshot_20231221_222435_Vacation Countdown

Happy Birthday, Amanda!!!

Today is my daughter’s birthday. It’s a special day for her, but in the beginning, it was very special for her father and me.

1Me & Amanda

Amanda was the first child born to us. She was healthy and happy and gorgeous! We both immediately fell in love with our girl.

Amanda made me a mother, and as I cared for her, I realized that as each day went by, she was teaching me so much. It continues to this day.

She was a bright and alert baby who grew up quickly. Always sweet and loving, yet determined to set the world on fire.

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She accomplishes whatever she wants, but perhaps her greatest accomplishment is being a wonderful mother to her two kids and their two dogs and a cat!

311696094_10229624793425838_1793860466664539530_nSavannah & Amanda.
295085709_10228958938019869_9022500550669028540_n (1)Quinn and Amanda.

I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a self-made woman who continues tackling challenges many would run from.

So, on this special birthday, I wish her good health, happiness, and the fulfillment of all her dreams.


I love you so much, Amanda!

The Friday Five ~ December 15th


The week went by, and I did accomplish a lot, but there were a few setbacks.

    1. I try to get things done each day. Unfortunately, I am not nearly as energetic as I had hoped.
    2. Once again, the laundry situation got out of hand. This drives me insane. So I filled the large basket and started down to the laundry room.
    3. On the fourth step from the bottom, I slipped, and down, I sent. The fall seemed to go in slow motion, and once I landed, I lay there like a turtle on their back, attempting to get up as well as evaluate my injuries.
    4. Fortunately, I was simply bruised. That being said I have decided to bring the washer and dryer upstairs. You know, the small stackables?
    5. .

And then…
