Poison Ivy

I just hate Poison Ivy. It starts out with the smallest bumps, gets a bit red and then the skin swells and the itching becomes almost unbearable. At least it does for those of us who are fairly allergic. My Poison Ivy started a few days ago, when Greta, ran through the field above us, (which is loaded with it) and came into the house and wanted to cuddle. At first it didn’t look too bad, and I thought I could make it through without it spreading or getting too bad.
Today my arm is swollen, the rash goes from my wrist to my upper arm, and I would sincerely love to claw my flesh for relief!
Hubby says, “Oh, that doesn’t look too bad. Slap a little Calamine lotion on it, you’ll be fine.”
I glare at him as I pour the lotion on my arm, searching for some sort of relief. Greta walks by me and wags her tail and I look down at her and snarl, “You! You, did this to me!”
Dogs are just faithless beasts!

French Fries and Cheesecake

Last night I was feeling tired. I didn’t want to cook dinner, but I knew we needed to eat. Being in the country means that there is no quickie take out to be had. If you want to eat, you either cook it yourself or starve.
So I went out to the kitchen and stared into the freezer. I was hoping to find something wonderful, like a meal or two whipped up by a world famous chef! No go. Just a couple of boxes of frozen clam strips, purchased, well, I can’t even remember.
So I tossed some frozen french fries on a cookie sheet and the clam strips on another and got them ready to cook. Fifteen minutes later I placed the cooked food onto two plates and put them in front of Hubby and me. Yuck! The clam strips were terrible. I mean, these suckers were really awful! I couldn’t eat them. But the fries were great. So, I ate those. The first fries I have had in a year. (swear to God! I’ve been on South Beach a year now and I haven’t had any fries)
Hubby, kindly did not mention that the dinner was total crap. I knew there was a reason I married him. Actually I think he realized that I was, truly not feeling well, to actually consider eating all of those carbs!
To reward him, I reminded him that there was still some cheesecake and strawberries left over from the other day. After he choked down his meal, and he did, poor thing, I gave him a nice big slice with oodles of strawberries! He all but inhaled this.
At breakfast this morning, he looked over at me and probably noted the pasty white skin and black smudges under my eyes, said, “Um, if it’s okay, could we maybe do something easy for dinner tonight like Tacos?” Tacos it is!
I do love this man.


I got a catalog of weird stuff today. They had the funniest T-shirts, with these great sayings on them.

“They call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken”

“I got lost in thought. It wasn’t familiar territory.”

“My life IS a reality show.”

“I missed my true calling. I don’t know what it was, but this sure ain’t it.”

“If you don’t talk to your cat about catnip, who will?”

Continue reading “LOL”

Quiet Days

Today is a quiet day. No one is stopping by, (that I know of) and I don’t have to go anywhere. This is a good thing. I’m one of those people who needs lots and lots of quiet time. The year I lived in a city I just about died. I simply cannot take that much hustle and bustle. With city living there is always something going on, or someplace to go. One feels guilty for sitting at home, drinking a cup of tea and watching the stars.
In the country, when you mention, “oh yeah, I’m staying home today and having a quiet day”, people nod with a knowing look and think that their quiet day is coming tomorrow.
What do us country folk do on our regular days?
Well, besides work, there is hiking, and swimming or boating and fishing in the summer. In the winter, skiing, snowman making, sledding and snow shoeing.
But, even in the winter we have quiet days, where you sit in front of a warm fire and sip cocoa.
Yeah, my favorite type of day is a quiet day.

Fritz’s Eyes

Good News about our Fritz! There has been no further growth of the Corneal Dysplasia! What this means is that for the time being the problem has gone into remission. If all goes well, it will stay that way! We just have to watch him and if it becomes active again call right away.
We took all three dogs with us for the 1 1/2 hour ride to the specialists. It’s 91 degrees up here today and really humid. Thank you automobile air conditioning! It was such a pretty ride though and I really enjoyed seeing the boats on Lake Winnipesaukee, and all the trees in full leaf!

Is this Tuesday or What?

I woke up with the “King Kong” of migraines this morning. Wow! I can’t believe my head can hurt this much without having had any alcohol the night before! I have loaded up on extra strength Tylenol and prayer.
We take Fritz to the eye specialist today for a recheck on his Corneal Dysplasia. I’m not sure it really looks any worse to me. But then, what do I know? We will see what the Vet says.
I was prepared to drive the furry guy to the Vets alone, but when I mentioned this to Hubby, he put his foot down and said, “NO”. so, he will drive us and I can actually relax. I hate being such a wimp.
I took two good pictures yesterday. The first was of the Mount Washington Hotel with Mount Washington behind it.
July 4b 009.jpg

Continue reading “Is this Tuesday or What?”

Happy 4th of July

I’ve had the good fortune to travel to many different places around the world. I’ve talked to people, I’ve observed cultures, and the bottom line is, I’m so proud to be an American and to live in a country with such wonderful freedoms. I hope we never take these freedoms for granted, or forget all that our forefathers did to form this country. For if we do, then I fear it will be the beginning of the end.
Long ago I heard a song and one of the phrases has stuck with me all these years, it goes like this:
Freedom isn’t free, freedom isn’t free, you’ve got to pay the price, you’ve got to sacrifice for your liberty!”
So to all those serving our country, my hats off to you. To those who have served our country, my thanks to you all.
This country, our freedom’s and our liberty, is a wonderful thing. Today when you flip that burger, or hoist that beer, do it with the idea that you are honoring this wonderful place we call home.
Happy 4th Everyone!!!