The Friday Five ~ January 27th

letitsnowI was getting ready to tuck into bed when I realized I had not written my Friday Five. So I got up and here I go.

  1. This week we have had snow and more snow and the snow that turned to mush, and currently, at 10:30 PM everything is ice.
  2. Now the poor pooches have trouble with ice and I actually stomped down a snow bank to make an area for Heidi, who simply gives up on the ice.
  3. Jack has been having a few health problems, so I made sure I got him in to see his Primary Care doctor. There are tests he needs.
  4. So after all the snow, I think we have probably had close to 20 inches! It’s probably the most we have had sort of all at once, in many years.
  5. We are due for more snow over the weekend. Ugh. I am now ready for winter to be over!


Fake Meat

I went out on Wednesday morning to gather the items I would need to get through yet another snowstorm. As I checked the vegetables, meats, and deli products it hit me.

First the jump in the prices of everything, including cabbage and potatoes, which have always been cheap staples. Their cost was sky high.

My dislike also extends to the new fad of “fake Meat”!

I am here to tell you that as much as I enjoy an occasional hot and sour soup with tofu (fake meat!) I don’t like fake meat. I like the real thing.

I love a good, tender, steak. I love Babyback Ribs, and I love chicken and turkey as well. I adore fish. Why should I have to eat fake meat if I think it tastes like crap?

These fake items are gaining places on our grocery shelves. Today I couldn’t get any bologna. The middle case of the meats was filled with fake meat. It got me thinking. I can’t be the only one that feels this way.

I learned that Elisabeth Hagen, Under Secretary for Food Safety at the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA), is in charge of the food supply, All I can say is, it would do us all a lot of good if you did your job better.

Ah well, enough complaining for now. I keep looking to get back to the life we once had and I haven’t been able to do that yet.


The Seasons ~ Winter

 As we started 2023 I was hopeful that we would get away with less snow than usual. This would lighten our plowing bill. Alas, this was not to be. The last snowfall was 6-8 inches of weighty snow, and today (Monday) it is snowing again, and in the end, we have 18 inches of new snow. This is the most two-day snowfall we have had in many years.

January SnowstormOn the left was this morning and on the right was this afternoon.

It’s pretty, but to get it functional we will need plowing, sanding, and an area to be snow blown for the dogs.

I took Heidi out on the small path I had shoveled, and she felt feisty and leapt into the snow. This would have been fine, but the snow is so deep she disappeared! Just her little black nose stood above the frosty white snow.

I laugh now because it was so funny, to see Heidi’s surprised little snout come to the surface. But the poor little baby did not like that deep, wet, cold, snow!

My work all day was to rake the roof some and keep the satellite dish clear, as well as encourage Heidi to use the snowy yard for all her important needs. I’ll tell you, it is a wet and cold job.

We are supposed to drive to Manchester tomorrow. That will depend on the road conditions. I am not looking forward to that hour-long drive down and back.


The Friday Five ~ January 20th

letitsnowThis was a hectic week for me. Between doctor’s appointments, a dental appointment, and visiting my favorite hair stylist today, I am glad for Friday’s snow as it forces me to cancel Heidi’s grooming. I could drive in the snow, but I do not like to. Anyway, here is this week’s Friday Five.

  1. Since the beginning of the year, I have lost ten pounds. What does this mean? It means I can once again zip my winter jacket.
  2. I finally caught up with my laundry. That was on Tuesday and I was feeling so happy about that.
  3. The next day I filled the car to go to the Recycling Center. I came upstairs to say goodbye to Jack and he asked where I was going. Shoot! The Recycling Center is closed one day a week…Wednesday!
  4. Thursday I shopped and got a few things as I prepare for the storm.
  5. I also had my hair done. My hair stylist tells me that I need to find a way to release stress. Apparently, your hair becomes brittle and actually falls out if you are under stress. And apparently, I am. It’s funny. I met my Grandmother’s 99-year-old sister. We looked so much alike except she had thinning hair on the top. I fear That will happen to me.

That’s it for the week. Those of you here in New England, take care when shoveling snow. We’re due to have 6+ inches!


Friday Five ~ January 13th

20200206_160117January has been cool and really with not too much snow, although as I type it is lightly snowing outside.

I began to follow Weight Watchers again after gaining a bit of weight following an increase in my medication.

I took the bull by the horns and started once again on this diet. And yes, for me it is a diet. A lifelong diet as I struggle to get it all under control.

Anyway, here is this week’s Friday Five.

1.  I recently printed up a new Phone/Address Book. Jack and I have reached that stage of your life where you check the Obituaries each morning, and if you are not listed, then it is a good day! Unfortunately, many of our friends have passed away. The Address Book is much thinner. Sadly so.

2.  I drove Jack to the VA on Wednesday for bloodwork. It was a pretty day, just cold. I put Heidi’s sweater on her, and she came with us.


She almost always rides well, but she was doing a wee bit of howling on Wednesday. On the ride home, she was nice and quiet.

3.  In some ways it’s good I’m back on the wagon with WW, as I really have very little appetite. My loss this last week was 8.2 pounds. I know I won’t be a big loser like that each week, but it was a good jump start.

4.  Do you know what I think was the hardest thing to have coped with during the Pandemic? How to cope as you were shut away from your family. I remember standing in Mandy’s kitchen delivering supplies just before the USA shut down. I was so afraid I would bring the germs to my daughter and grandchildren.

5.  The Pandemic hit me very hard. I was afraid. Not just scared, but terrified! During the first six months, I clenched my teeth so hard that my jaws ached. I began to stay inside my house. I became a recluse. I have previously discussed the fact that although some will say I am an extrovert, I am, in fact, an introvert. Currently, I still feel quite a bit of anxiety about being out in the world again and how to get my life started. I guess it is baby steps.

So that’s it for this week. I wish you all a happy and healthy weekend!


The Friday Five ~ January 6th


Here we are the first Friday Five of 2023. This week sped by, and I wonder if 2023 will as well. So here is this Week’s Friday Five.

  1. Last year I began using Storywoorth to write down many of the stories of my life. I started with my grandparents and worked forward. I included some of my favorite stories and recipes.2023-01-05_08-48-08
  2. I originally was doing it just for Mandy, but my family and friends asked for copies. And I also made copies for Savannah and Quinn.
  3. Several people told me to write Book #2! More stories and more recipes. And on January 3rd, 2023 I started Book #2!
  4. Then I went to the Post Office and a book written by Davis Paton arrived from Scotland. Here’s a little more about him.
    “David Paton first gained recognition as the lead singer and bassist of the group Pilot, writing their hit songs, including ‘Magic’ and the number one ‘January’ in the mid-1970s. He then went on to collaborate with various major artists such as Kate Bush, The Alan Parsons Project, Elton John, and Paul McCartney. He has always had a genuine passion for writing, playing, and producing all types of music, with an emphasis on collaborating with other musicians. Still highly active in music, he lives in Edinburgh, Scotland.”
  5. Christmas is over and the few decorations I put up are now down and put away for another year.


Happy Gotcha Day, Heidi!

It’s Gotcha Day!

A year ago, on December 31st I flew to Nashville, Tennessee. The next day on January 1st I drove to Kentucky to pick up Heidi. Thankfully there were no delays in my flights and everything went as planned.

I picked up my Highlander Rental and headed toward Kentucky, to my friend’s home. She lives in such a beautiful spot. Sad to see the devastation that the tornadoes a few weeks back caused.

Anyway, the weather on New Year’s Day in Tennesee and Kentucky was bad. Rain, winds, and the tell-tale black skies scared this girl. But not enough to put off my trip to get my new baby!

20220101_103357Baby Heidi and her Mom!

Despite the weather, I made great time, and then, there she was. There was our Heidi!

I got to meet her Mommy, Daddy, and even her Grandma Tadee! I would have taken any of them home. They were all special. Especially, Daddy Ralph and Mama Luna!

We were watching the skies and the weather reports, so I opted to take Heidi and head back to Nashville. I returned the rental car (Loved that vehicle!)  and stopped by the Delta Terminal to register Heidi and get our boarding passes. We got back mid-afternoon and settled into our room.


I went to sleep curled up with Heidi at about 9:30 and slept until 2 AM when Heidi woke and was hungry and thirsty. So I fed and watered her, made sure she used the wee-wee pads, and then she fell back asleep.

I did not get more sleep as I fretted about our flight home. We left our hotel at 5:15 and got to the airport in no time. But it was there that Heidi and I had another weird thing happen.

When I got to the Security area, I was told to remove Heidi from her soft crate, which I did. Then I was told to go over to this female officer who said she wanted to swab my hands. Okay…then she swabbed Heidi’s paws. So weird, but it was later explained to me that between Covid, Ukraine, and other weird political things, apparently, our security level is elevated.

I stopped to get my car at Mandy’s and the kids got to meet Heidi. It was a love fest by all.

270378867_1082345115833513_6241353481483835589_nSavannah and Quinn with Heidi!

270070029_284442523551870_4177910233653229293_nMe with Heidi and Savannah!

I got home at 12:30 PM and then settled in to begin house training Heidi. She is doing remarkably well. She has just wee-wee’d for the last time tonight and I think it’s time for bed.

It’s been wonderful and exciting and it’s like Heidi has always been with us. We are so very lucky!

And a year later it certainly does feel like she has always been with us. We truly are blessed.

2022-12-29_08-40-45Heidi at one-year-old.

The Friday Five ~ December 30th 2022

20200206_160117Here we are the last Friday Five of the year. It seems that the older I get the faster time is flying by me. So, here we go!

  1. I got all the wrapping done, loaded my car, and drove to my daughter’s house. I’m not sure who was more excited on Christmas morning. Me or the kids.
  2. Heidi was a good girl and did not have one accident at my daughter’s home! Call me happy.2022-12-29_08-40-45Over the last year if Heidi gets excited she wee’s just a little. Those days appear to be over now!
  3. I was lucky with my travels. On the way down I think I saw a dozen cars. Mostly, I just moved right along. The same coming home.
  4. This year I did not go out for any after-Christmas sales. Just not in the mood.
  5. I think this weekend I will put away all my Christmas items. Time to clean up, dust, and get the house back to normal.

Have a wonderful weekend.

Dackel Footer 1

Merry Christmas


Wherever you are, or what time zone you may be in, I wish you and yours, a very Merry Christmas.

My bags are packed and the presents too. I have also packed Heidi’s bag as she is coming with me.

Dear little Heidi leapt off my chair last night and hurt her back paw. I rested her today and she is worlds better. Of course, due to the frigid temperatures, (5-10 degrees F most of the day) she did not want to go out until she put her cape on. And she loves that fleece and leather cape and has refused all attempts to have me take it off.

320968829_533391635399196_2772961566186759185_n (1)Heidi and I leave early tomorrow for Mandy’s house. It will be wonderful to spend Christmas with Mandy and her little family!

So here’s to Christmas and all the joy the day brings!



Happy Birthday Amanda!

Today is my daughter’s birthday. A special day for her, but in the beginning, it was a very special day for her father and me.

1Me & Amanda

Amanda was the first child born to us. She was healthy and happy and amazingly beautiful! We both immediately fell in love with our girl.

Amanda made me a mother and as I took care of her I realized that as each day went by, she was teaching me so much. It continues to this day.

She was a bright and alert baby, who seemed to grow up very quickly. Always sweet and loving, yet determined to set the world on fire.

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Whatever she sets her mind to, she accomplishes, but perhaps her greatest accomplishment is the fact that she is a wonderful mother to her two kids and their 2 dogs and a cat!

311696094_10229624793425838_1793860466664539530_nSavannah & Amanda.
295085709_10228958938019869_9022500550669028540_n (1)Quinn and Amanda.

I am so proud of the woman she has become. She is a self-made woman who continues to tackle challenges that many would run from.

So on this, special birthday, I wish her, good health, much happiness, and the fulfillment of all her dreams.


I love you so much, Amanda!