Friday Five

Another week has come and gone. This week I have been wrapped up with skylights. Here is why…

  1. Sunday we arrived home after a Christening Party to find our kitchen skylight was leaking. Not super badly, but enough to cause a long running drip on our ceiling.
  2. Luckily, by the next morning, the skylight seemed to have sealed itself, but both Hubby and I could see the writing on the wall.
  3. First thing on Monday I began making calls to get quotes on fixing the skylight.
  4. Today we had a bunch of contractors over and the news is not good. We had a lot of damage from ice jams, and a large portion of our roof as well as the skylight must be replaced! (groan!)
  5. The initial estimates are not promising. Looks like we will have to cut back on everything (like food and medications), for a while!

Friday Five

Busy week for me, as I drove out to my Veterinarian’s Office twice, and then splurged and got my hair done on Thursday.

  1. Greta started the week off with being in pain. I wasn’t sure if it was another bladder infection or what, but in the end, she is having some kidney problems, and we have her on medication to keep her pain free. She is doing well.
  2. Next, I went to Weight Watchers and lost another pound and a half. I’m working the program really hard.
  3. Then Anneliese went to the Vet’s today. She has been having a skin problem for a while. Blood work was drawn and I now have her on medication too. As well as special shampoo. Arnie and Lili are both fine and dandy. (Knock on wood, this continues!)
  4. The next few days will find me consumed with laundry. Somehow I got lazy and it has piled up!
  5. Thursday also found me getting a hair cut! It’s a slightly longer Pixie cut. Not sure how I feel. Mostly good, but I think it will have to grow on me.

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Friday Five

Another week has rushed by. But this week, we are starting to see and feel the first heat of the summer. Although it is not unwelcome, when I am trying to do things outside, I’d prefer it a little less hot! However, it was a good week all around and here are my five highlights!

  1. Monday I spent the day with my two grandchildren, Savannah and Quinn and my daughter, Mandy.


    You all are probably tired of hearing me rave about my grandchildren and daughter, but honestly, the three of them are magnificent!

  2. I was able to help my daughter get Savannah’s party stuff. Savannah will be 4 years old on May 31st! Wow! Where has the time gone? I remember that I was so anxious to hear what she thought of this world, when I looked into her infant face. Now, not only does she tell me her thoughts, but she will look at books and tell me stories too.
  3. The other thing I totally love, is listening to her play by herself with her dolls. She makes these wonderful voices as she plays each character. Yeah, I am crazy for this kid!
  4. Quinn is so bright and alert I am amazed. He loves to be sitting up in his little froggy chair so he can watch the world, and the TV. At two and a half months, I think he is way ahead of himself.
  5. And my daughter. Well, she is an amazing mother. I watch her with her kids and I am so proud of her. Her love and patience and the ability to truly be with her children, is a beautiful thing to see.

Have a great holiday weekend, everyone. Enjoy, and stay safe.

Friday Five

Oh my goodness! Another week has flown by! It both shocks and amazes me. I recall thinking that time went so slowly when I was a kid. I would lie on the sand at the beach staring up into the sky and think that time was just going so slowly! How wrong I was. It seems the older I get, the faster time slips by.

All that being said, here is this weeks meanderings, from one who finally understands that time is not relevant to life. It’s merely a a way of counting of the hours, days, and years.

  1. It’s been 4 weeks since I returned to Weight Watchers. I have lost 7 pounds.
  2. In the past this would have depressed me, but, I am eating wonderful meals, and enjoying the challenge of finding new, low point things to enjoy. Good-bye sugar! The true corrupter of diets everywhere!
  3. The office is finished. Finally after all these years, it is done. I had to go in there today for a printed page, and I opened the door and nearly fell over! Wow! It really is beautiful in there!
  4. The apple trees have been in full bloom.
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    The orchard

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    Oh I love this time of year, when the blossoms are out, and when you walk through the orchard, you can hear the hum of the working bees!

  5. At some point I will stop and pick up some vegetable plants. I will directly sow the peas and beans, but everything else will come from a farm stand. Although I am doing well on many levels, I haven’t quite gotten my garden feet under me.

So that’s this weeks list, with a few pictures of the orchard. Enjoy the Spring, even if it is a cool one!

Friday Five

And here we are again. Another week has come and gone and Friday is upon us. It’s mid-May, and in two weeks my little love, Savannah will turn four years old! Here are 5 recollections of the last four years.

  1. The day Savannah arrived I held her, tears in my eyes and felt the deepest surge of love imaginable.
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    She was the most beautiful baby girl and my heart swelled with love.
  2. As she grew I started to see her very distinctive personality. She was bright, alert, and imaginative. She also knew from an early age what she liked.
    Savannah and her chair

    In fact we took her shopping for a bouncy seat and she tried several before settling down in one and picking it out as her own.
  3. By her first birthday she was walking, and starting to talk. As she grew older her talking increased.

    Happy from Dackel Princess Maribeth on Vimeo.

    She began to express her wants and desires, but in words.
  4. She has always been so cuddly and loving.
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    And to this day, she will see me, run into my arms crying “Oma” in her happy little voice!
  5. I love sitting and talking with her now.
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    She will tell me all her little stories, her feelings, and I am enthralled.

What a true blessing it is to be an Oma to this amazing little girl!!!

Friday Five

Another busy week went by. Appointments, laundry, housework, cooking and my first weigh in at Weight Watchers since starting their new plan. Here are all the details!

    1. Tuesday found me off to the eye doctor’s office to be checked for changes in my prescription. There was a significant change. So…..New glasses were in order. My frames were not comfortable, or big enough to give me a good visual field. So I was willing to spend a little on some frames this year, as it was not my year to get new frames with my insurance.
    2. I found the cutest light pink, wire frames. While I was being fitted for those, the sales clerk mentioned that they were having a special buy one get one 20% off. So I found the funkiest frames for sunglasses and ordered those too. They’ll be in around May 3rd.
    3. After finishing up with the glasses, I was forced to drive home in a wild Spring Snow Storm! Yikes! The roads were bad and I was nervous, but I made it just fine!
    4. I made more of Hubby’s favorite Lentil soup. I made a double batch this time, and froze a large container.
    5. I weighed in on Wednesday at our meeting. I was so nervous and I just knew I would cry if I didn’t do well. I worked so hard this past week. I weighed, measured, and counted every point I put into my mouth. I also tried to make good choices. I got to class, and stripped down to my shorts and tank top, and stepped onto the scale. I was down 4.6 pounds!  Needless to say, I have been walking on clouds ever since.

Here are first, my new glasses (Blurry, I know.).


And these are the frames for my sunglasses.


Friday Five

Another week has flown by, and this morning I am off to spend time with my favorite little man, Quinn! But this week I have the added bonus of getting to spend some time with Savannah too! I am so glad. I’ve missed seeing her.

My two darlings!


So as this week ends, here are some of my thoughts about current events and happenings.

  1. I found the most wonderful book for Savannah. It is such an awesome book, and I will tell you all about it, after I read it to her tomorrow. It is just a truly feel good book!
  2. I was shocked to learn that the singer Prince passed away on Thursday. Prince is the same age as me, and his music was part of my growing up. My favorite was “Raspberry Beret”. You could dance and dance to that. He will be missed.
  3. Also this week we lost Doris Roberts, who played Raymond’s mother on the TV show, “Everybody Loves Raymond”. She was so talented and could do nearly anything. It was nice to know that she simply went to sleep and passed from this world to the next.
  4. Hubby has asked me to cook a few dishes that he likes this week. Actually I enjoyed the cooking. ANd he enjoyed the eating.
  5. I went back to Weight Watchers this week and I am making every attempt to lose this weight. I am now journaling and planning what I am eating. I simply have to do this.

So that was my week. How was yours? Hopefully it was good, and the weekend ahead will also be great!

Friday Five

The week is rushing by. Here we are and it is Friday! Now here is something particularly hilarious. On Monday I was half way through the day when I thought, “Oh, I am so happy it’s Friday!”. Then I realized it was, in fact, Monday! Groan!

So here are the highlights from this past week.

  1. Greta had her health checked. This required me driving in ice and snow out to my Vet’s office. I just took my time and we made it out and back, just fine.
  2. Hubby and I did the taxes and mailed them off. I am always glad when we get that done. My least favorite time of year!
  3. Thursday found me digging out the laundry and working on catching up with all of that. I admit to being a bit remiss at throwing in a load here or there, so it was important to get at least three loads done.
  4. I made Lentil Soup today. It was the first time. I made a vegetarian Lentil Soup and it was actually not too bad. I have had Lentil Soup from cans and also in restaurants, but they always tended to have sausage and were really thick. So, I thought I did not like it. This was good.
  5. This weekend I plan to take a few walks with Greta. My plan is to walk her into shape a little, while at the same time, walk myself into better condition.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Friday Five

It’s Friday again. Here is my Friday Five.

  1. I am off to Mandy’s house to see her and Quinn.


    When Savannah was born I drove down frequently to bond with her, and I am trying to do the same with Quinn. Those early months are so important.

  2. Tomorrow is our 28th wedding anniversary. Be sure to check back to see a short montage of our 28 years together.
  3. I am worried about Greta. She is having a few health issues, that I am worried about. I called my Vet yesterday, and she will go in on Monday for a full blood and urine panel.
  4. Did you ever find something at Job Lots and not been able to find it again? Well, we found a wonderful New England Clam Chowder and unfortunately when we went back to get more they were all out. We spoke to the manager, and he told us that if we still had a can, to bring it in and he would scan it and see if there were any more in our area. We did, and he found 5 of them for us, and they will be in on Saturday! In case you are wondering the brand, it is Bookbinders New England Clam Chowder.
  5. We have been out to eat the last two days, and on Saturday we will be out again. Nice, I know, but here is the problem. When I eat a large meal at lunch, I don’t want to eat at dinner. Hubby, on the other hand, always wants to eat proper meals.

Have a great weekend, everyone!

Friday Five

The week raced by me, as I was pretty busy and not paying attention to much. Actually I was paying attention to a few things, but somehow sitting down and writing about them just didn’t happen. So here are 5 things from my week.

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  1. The most important thing was that I got to drive down, visit with my daughter and grandson, and hold sweet Quinn in my arms. He is three weeks old now, but still curls into the fetal position, and snuggles warmly against your heart. He has the fairest of blondish/reddish hair and very light eyes. So very handsome. I held this little guy close to me and my heart grew three sizes at least! Being an Oma to two beautiful and healthy children is a dream come true for me.
  2. My daughter is looking wonderful. Quinn’s birth was tough on her, but she finally has color back in her cheeks and is feeling better. I will tell you that I admire my daughter so much. Amanda is an amazing woman!
  3. I need a root canal. I am not happy about it, (who is) but I trust my Endodontist so much, that I am not worried about it too much. Trust me, I am looking forward to the end of pain.
  4. My little old Lady Greta is having a few little health problems and I have spent more time at the Vet’s this week than I really wanted. However, I understand that this is a problem I can take care of with daily medication. Greta is my girl and I will do anything to make her life happier and healthier.
  5. Today is skin cancer screening day. I will go over, strip naked, and have my entire body checked. My Dermatologist is a lovely lady, and I have every confidence in her.

So, it’s been a busy week, and I am looking forward to a rather quiet and relaxed weekend. I have a few small projects to work on, but I also would like to enjoy some reading time and some movie time.

Whatever your weekend plans may be, I hope you have a really good time!