It’s All About…Water

Dog Pablo PicassoSo, I have hired someone to re-roof our house. This is a very good thing. It probably should have been done a year ago, but since we have had no damage, I think we caught it in time.

There are other things that need to be done, like de-cluttering the house and then an inside re-paint.

So, last night when Jack woke me up at 11:45 PM I knew it was not a good thing.

We have no water!

This happened once before when a new pump and wiring needed to be replaced. I am hoping that this is all.

But Jack was upset and he would not be calmed down. How will we flush the toilet? How will you (me) cook for me? (him) How can I was the dishes, and the floors and do laundry?

I had to giggle because all the things he mentioned were the things I do!

I recalled a movie I had seen and the exchange between a lawyer and the man he was representing. The movie was called “The Bridge of Spies”. The lawyer was played by Tom Hanks, and his client was played by Mark Rylance.

Tom Hanks: Aren’t you worried?
Mark Rylance: Would that help?

So, here I was at 1:30 AM trying to get Jack to calm down and go back to bed. After all, there is nothing we can do until 8 AM. Then I will call for Well Service.

I am hoping for an easy fix. If not, I break out the plastic silverware and paper plates. It’s inconvenient but so is so much of what we call life. It is what it is, and you just slog along working things out.

Perhaps I am so calm about all of this because I still feel too yucky to care. After all, me getting upset and worried and undone by this wouldn’t help at all now, would it?


Keep Moving…

On Friday I finally got my heart monitor. The nurse did not have time to put it on me, but she said it was easy, just follow directions.

Okay. First, you register your monitor. The nurse did that, but I was directed to call them. So, I did and they said I was all set and to put the unit on.

The directions ordered me to shave the part of my chest on the left-hand side. Then scrub it down with sandpaper and clean it with alcohol.

Then after everything dried, attach the monitor to your chest. I have to say it was not as easy as it sounded, but eventually, I got it on. Yay me!

301115435_1516229365478912_6994330273027211454_n 2Let the 2 weeks begin!

Meanwhile, coming home we were stuck in heavy traffic. All the families from Southern New England headed to Northern New England. And oh, my my.  What clogged highways we had!

It was not my favorite way to drive home, but I made it just fine. It just took a little longer.

So that’s my day. Hope your day was a good one!

Heidi Marie

The Friday Five ~ September 2nd

The Friday FiveHey, it’s September! Can you believe that? I’m not sure I can. For me, it feels like the days are just slipping by. So let’s just get to the week’s Friday Five!

  1. Over the weekend I started to feel poorly. I figured it was nothing and sort of ignored it. But by Wednesday I was tired from coughing so hard, and just wanted to sleep.
  2. This presented a problem because my asthma kicked in and breathing was becoming problematic, as well as the cough, which left me breathless and with a headache that made me feel like my head would explode.
  3. So, I got myself together and went to the walk-in clinic. No Covid. Yay! But things were not good. Bronchitis and pneumonia. I was ordered to go home. To rest. To take my meds.
  4. I have slept the better part of two days and done almost nothing. I am still coughing and yes, feeling sick. But I am hopeful that the meds will help kick this.
  5. Meanwhile, tomorrow I get fitted for my heart monitor test. I have just one request for the rest of September: for my good health to return.

Have a great weekend and a happy, healthy, and safe Labor Day Weekend!

Heidi Marie

It’s All About…Heidi

I know I haven’t written about my favorite little fur baby in a while, but here we are, Heidi is 10 months old and she has become my constant companion. And trust me when I say, she almost never leaves my side.

Heidi is pretty much trained in all the household ways. I walk her on a leash, not because I think she would run off, but because it is my way of moving around with her.

I love to watch her prance. I swear to the good Lord above that the girl has a genuine Princess attitude!

Heidi will cuddle with Lili while I cook dinner. In the evenings, and while I sleep she is warmly safe in my lap.

Savannah and Heidi.

I have known this breed since 1995. They’re amazing dogs. But I also know that a pup of this quality doesn’t just happen.

I know that the breeder of Heidi, Gail, has spent years planning her litters and also teaching her dogs.

I am all for Rescue Dogs, but for me, back in 1995 when I met my first Rauhaardackel, I knew that this would be a lifelong commitment.

Heidi is registered with the AKC. I gave her the name of Heidi, but her professional name is “Boreas Happy Ending”.

2022-08-12-14-48-43-636Boreas Happy Ending ~ Heidi

So, thank you, Gail, for this wonderful, beautiful, loving, companion. I am more thankful than I could ever say.

Heidi Marie

The Friday Five ~ August 26th

Friday FiveWow, this week sure sped by for me. I feel that the summer is slipping by and soon the air will become crisp, as the leaves fall. So here are the things I am thinking about this week.

  1.  I had two appointments this week. One with a group of my friends to chit chat, and the other with my friend and hairdresser to style my hair. She did an awesome job!
  2. I finally finished watching all 15 seasons of ER. I started watching when I was struggling with round two of Covid. I enjoyed it more than I thought I would.
  3. This week it was pleasantly quiet here in my town. No big traffic jams and no crowded stores. I’m sure this weekend will be crazy wild, as the end of the summer nears. Many people come up so they can close up their camps for the winter.
  4. Last night I was walking the dogs and Lili took off up the hill. Thankfully, I had Heidi on a leash and didn’t have to worry about her. I did worry that Lili would meet up with a porcupine or skunk and life would be instant chaos. Luckily, she came back in short order.
  5. This weekend is the usual. Laundry, cleaning and napping. Oh, how I love a good nap!


The Question Is…

The last week has been a bit stressful. And as hard as I might try to enact the don’t worry, be happy motto, I find I am still feeling sort of stressed.

I went in for my physical a while back and they found that my heart doesn’t go tick, tick, tick…but rather shows several irregularities.

The 2-week test begins on Thursday where they have me hooked up to a monitor 24 hours a day for 14 days. After that, I will see the Cardiologist.

I’ve noticed a few things since recovering from Covid for the second time. I chalked it up to Post Covid Syndrom and tried not to think about it

I have been sleeping a lot. Each day I am napping for at least one hour. I’ve also been losing my appetite. I think that all of this is due to stress, but who knows? It’s all a waiting game, isn’t it?

Happy Wednesday.


The Friday Five ~ August 19th

Friday FiveOnce again, the week flew by. I had only one appointment, and other than that, I spent time cleaning and visiting with my sister and brother-in-law. So here’s this week’s Friday Five.

  1. My sister arrived on Monday and luckily, we have an area to park their camper. We got it all set up and they have their own little spot!
  2. I made a big dinner on Tuesday. An oven-roasted beef. Along the lines of Prime Rib. We got local corn on the cob and my favorite California New Potatoes. Yum!
  3. Wednesday I had my appointment and that went well. Mel and Ron also made dinner which was great! Honestly, after two years of doing all the cooking, I am grateful when anyone else but me does the cooking!
  4. I have a Contractor coming on Saturday to look over the exterior of our house. I know I need a new roof and I also need repairs done to the trim and porch windows. I’m determined.
  5. Heidi has been so sweet to me. When I am sitting or napping, she is right there with me. By the way, she will be a year old on October 21st.

Have a great weekend!


Not The Best Way To Start The Day

Wednesday started okay. Nothing remarkable. It is cloudy and rain is due soon.

I staggered to the kitchen, and turned on the coffee, only to remember that I had not set it up last night. So, I ground the beans, filled the tank with water, and turned it on.

The dogs were fed and then off we went for their morning walk.

I came in with them and went over to get some cereal. There was a new Cheerios flavor yesterday at the store, “Honey and Yogurt”, so I thought I would try that.

I poured some into a bowl and got my milk and sat down to eat it. I took one small spoonful into my mouth and ran to the sink to spit it out!

The milk was spoiled! Now the stamp on the jug said August 15th. Now how can a jug of milk spoil in two days?

Then thinking that perhaps it was also the cereal, I took a bite of the dry cereal. Ah, crap! It was simply disgusting.

Why does this stuff happen to me? Spoilt milk on the same day I try a new flavor of cereal. A double whammy!

My plans this morning are to go to the grocery store and get some milk and also buy a less offensive cereal!


Busy Summer Days!

On Friday I was driving all around Manchester and Southern New Hampshire. Heidi was going to the groomers I had several doctor’s appointments and then I was going to my daughter’s home for the night.

So, my day started at 5 AM and by 7 o’clock we were on the road.

Heidi was dropped off first, and I raced to my appointment with my Glaucoma doctor. Good news. My pressure numbers are staying down and so between the surgery last year, and the drops, all is going splendidly.

Next was my appointment with my Primary Care, Nurse Practitioner. May I just say, I may never use an MD for Primary Care again. I simply love my Nurse Practitioner, and I know I am getting far better care from her.

Most all is well, I just need a few tests. Oh yes, and to get back on my diet!

They sent me over to Dermatology to have my rash looked at. Heat rash. Yuck.

After that, it was back to get Heidi, who looked totally adorable, and the last leg of our journey was to Amanda’s.


If I had any worries about Heidi getting along with Mandy’s dogs, they were quickly dispelled. Not one growl or bark. The three of them got along so well. Especially Winter, an American Eskimo, and Heidi.


Those two played and played and played, and then collapsed and fell asleep.


The next day was the Pool Party, which was so much fun, and it was great to see Heidi do so well in that environment. My grandson, Quinn, told me that Heidi is the Cutest Queen Puppy! I agree.

2022-08-13-10-44-07-751My granddaughter, Savannah, and Heidi.

Then it was time to come home. After all the racing around, I was exhausted and collapsed. Today I need to clean things up here as my sister and brother-in-law are coming for a visit. I want the place to at least be dust and dog hair free.


The Friday Five ~ August 12th

The Friday FiveThe week flew by and now here we are and it’s Friday. Wow! That sure went quickly! I could write an encyclopedia about the week, instead, I will select the top Five!

  1. My Cell Phone finally arrived and after trying to get the darn thing to work, I went to Verizon, and a nice young man got all my stuff transferred. Yay! I will say, this whole phone replacement from the Insurance Co. was more of a pain in the neck than simply going out and buying a new phone. *Groan*
  2. The heat finally broke on Thursday, but not before leaving me with a heat rash that has exacerbated my Eczema.
  3. Today, Friday is a very busy day for me and Heidi. I’m driving Heidi to the Doggy Beauty Salon near my daughter. Mandy uses this woman for her American Eskimo Dog, Winter. So I am hoping all will go well and that Miss Heidi who hates to have her nails clipped, will enjoy a good pedicure.
  4. While Heidi is getting beautiful, I go to see my Glaucoma doctor for an exam. Then off to see my Primary Care Nurse Practitioner. And since the eczema is bad, I’m swinging in to check with the dermatologist. (Also my yearly skin cancer exam.)
  5. I will stop to get Heidi, and then we are off to Mandy’s house for a visit with the kids, Matt, and their two dogs. We’re staying overnight and I’ll come back home on Saturday.

So that’s the week that was. Hope your weekend will be a great one!
